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“Thanks. Not as happy as them, though.” I laugh when Liam tries to dip Chloe and nearly drops her. Ava and Aidan waste no time showing them how to do it right.

Colt gets a wistful look in his eyes as he watches them. “You and your friends really don’t care about what other people think. You guys do your own thing and are happy. That’s so rare in high school.”

I shrug. “No, they care what people think. But they still do what makes them happy. Me, though? I don’t care what people think. Although…” I lean forward and whisper. “There’s a certain person of the female species who is glaring at us like she wants to send us to the guillotine. Well, she wants to sendmeto the guillotine.”

“Vanessa?” Colt whispers.

She’s on the dance floor, wrapped in a guy’s arms, her gaze pasted on me and Colt, lips pressed in a tight line.

“Unless you have another ex I don’t know about?” I say.

He raises his shoulders. “Who cares about her? Want to join your friends on the dance floor?” He holds out his hand.

“What do you mean who cares about her?” I try to ask, but he slides his hand into mine and leads me to the dance floor, right next to where Ava is teaching the others some robot moves.

“Look, Willow,” she says as she does a move. “Now you can try to be WillowBot.”

“Ha. No one can measure up to her.”

“You’re right about that,” Colt says.

Colt and I dance together, and I feel everyone’s eyes on us. Many of them seem to enjoy the show, even if they’re very confused how Colt and I ever got together. But some people look upset, like his friends and, of course, Vanessa.

“She’s looking again,” I tell him.

“Who, Vanessa?”


“You’re a good dancer, do you know that?”

“I am?” I shrug. “I guess I have some moves.”

“Can I try something?”

“Uh, sure.”

He takes my hand and twirls me toward him so that my back is pressed to his chest. Wrapping his arms around my stomach, he whispers in my ear, “I saw that in a movie once. Thought it was romantic and wanted to try it with a girl.”

“And you didn’t try it with Vanessa?”

“I wanted to, but she wasn’t interested.”

“Let’s try it again. And she’ll get so jealous she’ll beg you to do it with her after you guys get back together.”

He frowns, as if he doesn’t like the sound of that, but I’m probably reading it all wrong.

We try it again, and then he dips me. For a second, I freak out that he’ll drop me because no one has ever done that to me before. But he executes it flawlessly.

“Heck, yeah!” Ava says. “That, Mr. Andersen, was a perfect dip.”

“Thanks.” He smiles at me.

We continue dancing. I’m having loads of fun with my friends and Colt. He seems completely comfortable with me, letting go and just living in the moment. Having the time of his life. But when the music stops, he looks at all the people staring at him. For a second, I think he’s going to shy away from their judging eyes, but he grins at me like he doesn’t care.

A slow song comes on.

“Oh, great,” I mutter. “Why does there always have to be a slow song? Wanna get food? You have food in your fridge, right? Unless some of the football guys chomped it all down.”
