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I shrug. “You’re just a beautiful person.”

“Oh, um,” she stammers. “Thanks. You’re pretty awesome yourself.”

“Thanks. Uh, I was wondering, did you match with anyone?”

She shakes her head. “No. What about you?”

“Not yet.”

“Anyway, you’ll match with Vanessa.”

Except, I don’t want to match with Vanessa. I want to match with—

“Colt?” a deep voice says.

When I turn around, I find Dad storming into the living room. His eyes roam around the messy room that looks like it underwent a hurricane.

Crap. What’s he doing home?

With a furious expression, he waves his hands around. “What the heck is going on here?”


He inches closer to me. “You had a party? Is that what goes on in here when I’m not home?”

“Yeah, I had a party, but—”

“Look at this place! It’s a disaster!”

I stumble back, my eyes wide. Dad has never yelled at me in all my sixteen years.

Willow’s eyes are also wide as she looks from my dad to me. She clutches her garbage bag a little too tightly.

“I can’t believe this!” Dad goes on. “I work hard to provide you with everything you need and you destroy my house?”

“I didn’t destroy—”

“Clean this up. And don’t you ever throw a party in my house ever again. Do you understand me?”

I don’t know what it is. Maybe all the pain my dad has put me through since Bri died? But anger boils up inside me. It’s a feeling I never felt before and honestly, it scares me.

“Why do you care?” I demand. “You pretty much ignore me. And now all of a sudden you’re barking orders at me and telling me what to do like you suddenly want to be a parent?”

My mouth snaps shut. Crap. I didn’t mean to raise my voice at him. I’m about to apologize, but his eyes turn hard.

“As long as you live under my roof and eat from the food I provide, I darn well will tell you what to do!” He makes a move to leave and hide in his office, but he whirls around and sets his gaze on Willow.

“And you have girls over when I’m not around? Doing who knows what? This stops now.”

“We weren’t doing anything! She’s a friend and she’s helping me clean up.”

Willow drops the garbage bag on the floor. “I’d better go. Sorry.” After giving me a sympathetic look, she vanishes out the door.

Dad steps closer to me. “I forbid you to have girls over. Is that clear?”

I grit my teeth. “We weren’t doing anything.”

His face is still hard. “Clean this mess up.Now.” He stalks to his office and slams the door behind him.
