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I stare at the closed door, my throat tightening up. I have no idea who that man was, because he wasn’t my dad. My dad never shouted at me or gave me a look like he wanted to slap me.

That man is a stranger.

Swallowing the lump, I continue cleaning up. I hate that he made Willow run off. I want to text her to make sure she’s okay, but I left my phone in my room and I’m a little worried what will happen if I don’t finish cleaning up.

I’m like a robot as I put everything in place. It takes me about ten minutes. Dad is still holed up in his office.

When I’m done, I go upstairs and fetch my phone to text Willow. But I have a text from her.

Willow: I’m outside. Come out if you want to talk.

Peering out my window, I see her at the corner of my block, standing there and staring at nothing.

Colt: You’re still here?

Willow: Yeah. Are you okay?

Colt: I’m fine. I’ll be out in two minutes.

I go downstairs and make my way to Dad’s office. Even though he yelled at me like I was the troublemaker next door instead of his son, I press my ear to the door to make sure he’s okay in there. I hear him shuffling some papers.

After leaving through the front door, I meet Willow at the corner of my block. As soon as she sees me, she flings her arms around me.

“I’m so sorry,” she whispers, her breath warm on my cheek.

I hug her close, absorbing all the comfort she’s providing me. “I don’t know what happened,” I whisper back. “He’s never yelled at me before in my life.”

Drawing back, she looks into my eyes with care and compassion. Not because she feels bad for me, but because she wishes she could do something for me.

“Are you okay, Colt?”

I just stare at the space before me, Dad’s words ringing in my head.

Willow rests her hand on my arm. “Colt.”

I force myself to throw the memory away and forget how much he hurt me. But it’s so hard. “Yeah.” I clear my throat. “I’m okay. Thanks for being here, but you don’t have to.”

“I want to.”

I search her eyes and realize she genuinely cares. Knowing someone’s there for me lifts my spirits. “I’m sorry you had to see that.”

“You have nothing to apologize for.” She shivers. It’s early March and a little chilly outside, but I don’t really feel the temperature.

“You’re cold. Can I take you home?”

Shaking her head, she looks into my eyes. “I’m not leaving you alone. But is there somewhere warm we can go to?”

I turn toward my house. Dad would kill me if he found a girl in my room. But it’s late and nothing is open. “My car?”

She takes my hand and leads me to my car that’s parked in the driveway near Dad’s. I open the door for Willow, then climb in after her. It takes a short while for the car to warm up.

Willow and I just sit there, neither of us saying anything. My gaze is focused on the windshield and I can feel her glancing at me, then away. I guess she’s waiting for me to talk, if I want. Or just sit here in the quiet.

A few minutes pass as I think about my life and everything that happened a few months ago.

“We were a happy family,” I say, my voice scratchy and so low I’m not sure she can hear me. “Mom, Dad, my sister Bri, and me. She was seven years older than me.” I pause. “Even though we were a few years apart, we were very close. She taught me coding and got me into gaming, was always there for me…she was the best big sister anyone could ask for.”

I take a deep breath and slowly release it. “Eight months ago, she and her boyfriend went on a helicopter ride. I remember how excited she was—helicopters always fascinated her. My mom joked that she’d never get on one because she’d puke everything she ate in the last ten years. I told Bri to have fun and tell me all about it, and maybe I could go with her next time.”
