Page 11 of Petals of Innocence

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“A meeting? What does that mean?” Etain asked fearfully. Was this when he took her to his court and made her do despicable things for their entertainment? Her anxiety was reaching new heights, and it was taking all of her self control not to completely lose her sanity.

“You have no one and nothing to fear here. Well, except me,” he said menacingly as he walked up to her again and wrapped his arms around her.

She was startled by the sudden contact and as much as she hated to admit it, his arms around her made her feel safe. That was until he bent down and inhaled the top of her head.

“Your fear smells delightful little human.”

Etain was once again reminded he was a fae, and she was in the Fae Realm; and, she was very much in danger as Ciaran ported them out of the bedchamber.


Ciaranwasgoingtomurder his cousin. Kes was again putting on one of his theatrical performances, only this time it had gone too far.

Kes strolled up to Etain, bowed low, and said, “It is a pleasure to meet you, my lady.” Upon standing, he grabbed her hand and kissed it.

Ciaran let out a deep rumble in warning. He needed to take his hands off Ciaran’s little human immediately.

Of course Kes being Kes found this hilarious and chuckled. “Cousin, I’m simply making the acquaintance of your human. You did not tell me she is so tiny. How delightfully fragile.” He grinned at Etain showing all of his pointed sharp teeth.

“While sheisrather tiny, she is anything but fragile.” Ciaran glanced down at Etain and noticed his words made her stand just a bit taller. Something warmed in his chest at the action. “And where is your nymph? Did I not request you to bring her in attendance?” He scowled at Kes, knowing full well he was about to make a scene.

“Oh! Yes, of course – how silly of me.” Kes snapped his fingers, and a small cage containing the wood nymph appeared in his study.

Ciaran heard Etain gasp in shock as she quietly asked, “Why is she caged?”

Before Ciaran could decide what he wished her to know, Kes answered while he poured himself a glass of wine.

“Well, you see little Etain, this wood nymph is of the Day Court, and I found her while on my hunt in your Human Realm. The same hunt in which Ciaran found you. I caught and jailed her, for no Day Court is to be across the veil during the hunt of the Night Court.”

Ciaran rolled his eyes at his cousin, then he turned his attention back to Etain. “You seem to have some knowledge of the fae if you know about brownies and the two courts. Are you well versed in our realm then?”

Etain cleared her throat and looked back at the nymph in the cage. He could tell it bothered her.

“While I confess I know more than most humans, I don’t know anything about the inner workings of your realm. I know stories about different types of fae that have been passed down through generations of Walsh witches.”

The wood nymph let out a slight gasp and Ciaran snapped his attention to her.

“You have heard of the Walsh witches?” Ciaran asked her.

Anin’s fully black eyes widened as she took in Etain, as if recognizing her. “I see it. Particularly in your hair color.”

Etain marveled at the nymph, no doubt wondering at the knowledge she might hold.

“Yes, it’s the one trait that has always been passed down to the Walsh women. Apparently, our magic with it.”

Ciaran looked at Etain, stunned. Though he had no right to be surprised for he had felt her power growing ever since they returned to this realm. He had apparently underestimated her. “You have magic, Pet?”

She glared at him, obviously despising the use of that name. “According to my mother we come from a long line of powerful witches, but were forced many generations ago to live in the Human Realm. Our power and numbers diminished, leaving only me. It’s believed the child of the first Walsh witch to live in the Human Realm was born in the Fae Realm, and that was how she had power. After her, none of us had a drop without the connection to the Fae Realm. Mostly, we just have plant medicine and can aid in healing minor illnesses and injuries. Now that I’m across the veil, I’m not sure what kind of power I may have, so I suggest you watch yourself, you big blue giant!” she seethed, letting him know he was on thin ice if he continued to use the name.

Kes happened to be taking a drink and nearly spit it out. It took Ciaran all of his will power not to laugh hysterically at his tiny witch. Power or not, there was no way she would be a match for the prince of the Night Court, even cursed as he was.

Instead he stepped into her space; she had to look way up at him. “Yes, I am big, in every way little witch. If you keep speaking to me like that with that wicked mouth of yours, I will have no choice but to take you back to the bedchamber and show you what I would rather have your mouth doing. Then, I might see what you have under that delectable dress I keep seeing tempting peeks through. The black lace is incredibly enticing.” He gently ran a black claw down the side of her face and down her neck to the laces holding up her dress. He tugged on them lightly enough not to cut them, but hard enough to let her know he could.

Etain sucked in a gasp, and Ciaran could hear her heart rate pick up. But it was not fear he could smell on her. His eyes dilated when he took in a deep breath and realized it was her desire he was scenting. There was no question in Ciaran’s mind his little witch was feeling the same pull as he did. They stared at each other longer than was likely comfortable for those around them, neither of them remembering there were others in the room.

Ciaran couldn’t care less. That was until Kes cleared his throat in an obvious attempt to break the spell they both looked to be under.

The nymph cocked her head to the side with a grin and simply said, “Ohhh,” as if she knew something no one else did.
