Page 12 of Petals of Innocence

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Etain blinked and took a step back from Ciaran, who was once again feeling rather murderous towards his cousin.

Etain glanced desperately around the room looking for anything to help settle her nerves. She could not believe the effect she was allowing this insufferable giant to have on her. Every time he touched her or their eyes met, she felt warmth bloom in her body and a distinct pull in his direction. The only thing she could think of was he must have used his magic on her somehow. It was unsettling to say the least. She glared at Ciaran, and he smirked back. He had definitely placed some kind of spell on her.

The round room was filled with bookshelves that ran along the curved walls. For several stories up you could see ladders and balconies, which could be shifted around the room to gain access to any book. One of the balconies shifted to the other side of the room. The whole thing just floated over the room two stories up.

Etain was speechless; this was the most magical thing she had ever seen. She glanced up at Ciaran and found him watching her with a softness she had yet to see on the male. She thought perhaps he was the one responsible for the show, and he had done it just to see her reaction. It was rather incredible if she were to be honest, and she gave him a small smile.

The only section of wall free from books was the large obsidian fireplace. The dark black seemed to devour the color and light around it. The fireplace surround was ornately carved into a scrolling design that fit the aesthetic of the room well. She could see herself curling up in one of the extra large plush chairs that were in front of the giant hearth, which was several feet taller than her.

The center of the room closest to the fire held a stately dark wood desk covered in several books and scrolls as if someone had been working there and left in a hurry. Farthest from the fire was a round table of the same dark wood that matched the desk. It was set with a veritable feast. The moment that Etain’s eyes saw the table covered in food, her stomach let out a fierce rumble.

“I had a feeling you would be hungry and had a little bit of everything delivered. I hope you’ll find something to your liking,” Ciaran whispered close to her ear from behind.

Etain jumped and let out a squeak. “Don’t do that!” Etain swatted Ciaran. “You can’t just sneak up on someone. It’s entirely terrifying, and you move so fast and silent, it’s unsettling.”

He grinned mischievously. “What makes you so sure I do not wish to give you a fright, little witch?”

Yet again Etain was thinking Ciaran must have spelled her, because she was finding it hard to be annoyed at his little nickname. Only then she remembered the last time someone snuck up on her.

“Well the last time someone snuck up on me, it didn’t go well,” she said casually as she walked around the table inspecting its offerings. She saw Ciaran flinch slightly at her words before he was standing directly beside her. She would never get used to the way he moved.

He lifted her chin so she looked up at him. “That man will never hurt you again.”

Etain could tell he meant it, though she didn’t know how he could guarantee it. She knew Seamus was hanging in a cage in the dungeon, but he could get loose, and Etain wasn’t sure she was comfortable with the alternative option to deal with him permanently.

“Well, let’s hope not, at the very least.” She could tell Ciaran was slightly offended she didn’t completely trust his word. If there was anything Etain had learned throughout her years, fate always got what fate wanted. It rarely aligned with what she desired, so she would remain skeptical. Not wanting to talk about Seamus any longer, Etain filled a plate with food. Even though she wasn’t certain what several things were, she was determined to try everything.

“Am I to be the only one eating?” Etain asked the other beings in the room, looking pointedly at the nymph who was still in the cage. She didn’t like the idea of eating while they stood around watching her, particularly when one of them was in a cage.

Ciaran and Kes appeared to have a nonverbal discussion. Kes’s gaze went to the nymph, and he said, “Right then, come along my darling nymph – best behavior.”

Ciaran only stared the female down. “Try anything and it will be the last thing you do.”

She held her hands up and gave him a sharp nod.

Etain did not like the way the two males spoke down to the nymph, though glad they let her out of that ridiculous box. Etain felt a bit of a kindred spirit with her. They were both taken rather than invited, and both looked to wear a deep exhaustion from life in general. The nymph also knew of her family, which was incredibly intriguing. Etain wondered at the possible stories the nymph might have for her, and maybe even help her tap into the magic she should have in this realm.

Taking their seats, the nymph sat across from Etain, and she was amazed the nymph’s dress was actually her wings wrapped around her body.

Etain suddenly blurted out, “What’s your name? I confess, I am growing rather annoyed at referring to you as only ‘the nymph.’ I hope you don’t mind me asking...”

The nymph gave Etain a warm smile, and she knew the two could become good friends. “My name is Anin. It is a pleasure to make the acquaintance of a Walsh witch.”

“You truly know of my family name?” Etain wanted to know everything about her ancestors that lived on this side of the veil and continued to use their magic. Etain had often wondered in her earlier years what it would have been like to grow up in this realm. Etain was about to get up to refill her plate, but looked down to see it had already been filled with a few things she hadn’t tried yet. Looking around, she didn’t see any little creatures, but just in case, she whispered a thank you.

“Cousin, I think your human might be defective. She seems to be talking to the air.” Kes laughed at her gesture.

Etain felt her cheeks heat with embarrassment. Her fair skin easily flushed, allowing others to quickly read her feelings.

“Well Kes, she thinks she will offend the brownies if she isn’t polite enough.” Ciaran boomed out a laugh.

Etain’s face was the reddest it had ever been. She was sure of it.

“Oh little witch, we only laugh because while brownies do work in the palace, I do not let them into my tower. I don’t let anyone but Kes into my tower, usually. The brownies would never let me have a moment’s peace. I would wrong them in their eyes nearly every day. When I was a youngling, I could never get on their good side. I grew tired of dealing with the creatures and created a spell that does exactly what a brownie would do without the nuisance.”

“Well that sounds like an awful lot of trouble to go through. You could have been respectful to the creatures and willing to do what they require in exchange for the hard work they likely do. Then perhaps, I would not have been made to look like such a fool.”

Ciaran gave her one of his wicked smirks that seemed to always set Etain’s stomach fluttering. She turned back to her plate and began eating; the food was delicious. She had to use all her willpower not to shovel the entire plate into her mouth in one breath as she did with the first one. While she had not gone hungry in her village, her menu was bland at best. She tried to season her food with what she foraged, but could never make anything taste this good.
