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Ev scrunches his nose. “Ugh, we are way too old for dancing and hooking up, Lo. We both have big boy jobs we gotta go to. Let’s just go somewhere we can chill.”

I roll my eyes. “Speak for yourself, man. I’m still young and have no issues going out drinking all night and still getting up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for work the next day.”

Ev chuckled. “Keep telling yourself that.”

Eventually, I finish my snack, and we head out to the bar. Once I’m there, I’m glad Ev suggested a more low-key place. I’m more exhausted than I thought I’d be, and I’m happy to not have to battle a crowd or deal with a bunch of girls climbing all over me.

“So what do you think will happen when you meet this Lake guy? You think he’ll want to meet Mr. C?”

Ev shrugs, his eyes never leaving the game on the big screen above the bar. “I mean, that’s the hope. But I guess we’ll see.”

I open my mouth to say something when a tall blonde girl slips in between Ev and me where we sit on our barstools. She takes one glance at Ev, her face pulled up into a sneer, and then turns toward me, immediately smiling again and batting her eyelashes. She leans on the bar, attempting to get the attention of the bartender, but she’s clearly trying to show her curves off, and I can’t help but roll my eyes.

Normally, she’s just my type: pretty, tall, curvy, and flirty. It’s the perfect combination that screams quick fuck with no attachments, which is perfect since every time I try a relationship, it ends with a passive-aggressive text saying how my hours are just not working for them.

But now, with this girl? Her reaction to Ev just pisses me off, and she’s not even remotely attractive to me anymore.

“Excuse me,” I say stiffly. “My friend and I were talking.” It’s not like the bar is crazy crowded or anything; she has plenty of other spaces that she could’ve slid in to get a drink.

She bats her clearly fake eyelashes at me again. “Well, isn’t the view better now?” she asks, her voice unnaturally husky, like she’s trying too hard to get in my pants.

From behind the woman, Ev snorts, nearly shooting his beer out of his nose. I know he’s not remotely phased by her comment. He knows he’s an attractive guy and gets plenty of action when he wants it. Besides, she’s definitely not his type. Ev tends to go for the preppy innocent-looking ones.

I shrug casually. “Not really.” This time Ev really does shoot beer out of his nose, the drink spilling all over the bar top.

“Oh my gods!” the woman shrieks. It’s way too overdramatic, honestly. I mean, none of the beer even fucking hit her. But whatever. It may not have been intentional, but Ev’s accident does the job, and she backs away from us totally disgusted, without her drink and a potential hookup. For now. By the way at least five different guys’ heads turn as she sways away from us, I’m sure she’ll find someone else to satisfy her needs.

As soon as she’s gone, I look at Ev, and we both burst out laughing. Gods, he has a nice laugh. How have I not noticed that before?

“Holy fuck,” Ev manages to choke out between sobbing laughter. “Could she have been more fucking obvious?”

I’m wiping tears as Ev is helping the bartender wipe the spill. He’s clearly not as amused as we are.

Ev’s body is still shaking with laughter, and he sucks his lip ring in between his teeth as he wipes up his drink. For some fucking reason that I can’t figure out, I’m sitting here staring at his lips, imagining what they taste like. What the fuck? I don’t even like dudes. And Ev is my best friend, not a fucking hookup.

But still, as the night wears on, I don’t even pay attention to another girl in the place. My focus is on Ev, and I never consider leaving with anyone else besides him, even if it’s to just crash on his couch.



I’m glad that my last-minute travel plans didn’t affect the dinner River planned, at least. I’d rather not have the conversation I need to have with Avery and Zoe hanging over my head while I’m at the safe house working. This way, regardless of their answer, they will know where I stand and what their options are.

At six o’clock on the nose, I’m using my key to let myself into River and Cooper’s home. I know I should probably knock, but it always seems so strange to me to knock on my brother’s door like I’m a regular guest. And I do have a key for a reason.

“Hello?” I call out as I walk into their entryway and close the door behind me.

“In the kitchen,” I hear Cooper’s deep baritone call out to me.

Carrying the tray of cookies I picked up at the bakery earlier that day, I make my way into the kitchen. Cooper is standing at the island, stirring something in a bowl. He’s holding Miri with one arm as she giggles happily, her big brown eyes wide, clearly fascinated as she watches her dad cook. I also happen to notice she’s only wearing a diaper, which is unusual. Riv and Cooper typically keep her dressed.

“Hi, Cooper,” I say cautiously as I make my way into the kitchen. It smells delicious. There’s platters of food everywhere. Sauce must be cooking in one of those pots on the stove, because the smell of garlic and basil permeates the air. Cooper seems relaxed even though they are clearly running behind. I also happen to notice River is nowhere in sight.

Cooper glances up at me and smiles distractedly. “Hey, man. Do you mind taking the baby for me? Riv’s up in the shower. This little one decided to projectile vomit all over him a few minutes ago.”

I wrinkle my nose in disgust as I put my tray of cookies on the counter. “She’s cleaned up, right?” I love my niece, but I do not love vomit, especially on me.

Cooper laughs. “Yeah, she’s cleaned up. River’s gonna bring down a new outfit for her when he comes down. But she’s puke free, I promise.”
