Page 18 of Savage Deal

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“Don’t mention that me and Josh are a thing. It’s kind of new, and my dad can be weird about guys.” She headed toward the study. “He thinks I pick losers.”

“Do you?”

“Sometimes.” She giggled. “I’m young and having fun. You get it, right?”

“Yeah, of course I do.” Really I didn’t, because I didn’t often have time for fun in my life. “I won’t say anything.”

“Cool. I had a fun time today.” She knocked on the door.

“Me too. Thank you for helping me with the clothes.” My stomach flipped when Jude told us to come in.

Cassie swung open the study door and hurried in. “We’re back.” She spun in a circle, showing off her new outfit. “How do we look?”

“Beautiful.” Jude came around his desk and looked over Cassie’s shoulder at me. “Absolutely beautiful.”

His black t-shirt fit tightly across his broad chest, making it easy to see the outline of the six-pack that traveled down his abs. His beard was a little fuller than when I had first seen him. Was he growing it in or had he not shaved yet? Did I care? Why was I taken by a man so much older than me? Someone who frightened me more than the man with the snake tattoo.Is that even possible?

“We’re all shopped out,” Cassie said. “I even got Emmie the most gorgeous dress for Allie’s wedding.”

“Did you?” Jude continued to stare at me. “I can’t wait to see it.”

“I called Aunt Lisa and told her you would be bringing a plus one.”

“I told her not to do that,” I said. “I can’t intrude on a family wedding.” I needed to be out of here by then, but nothing that happened today indicated that I would be leaving soon. I was being kept against my will, but in the most elaborate way.

“You’re not an intruder.” Cassie turned and smiled at me. “Besides, it will be fun to have you there. You can keep me company since I don’t have a date.”

“My sister called and told me Cassandra informed her I was bringing a guest to my niece’s wedding.” He set his phone on his desk. “It’s not a problem.”

When he came to stand between me and Cassie, I shuffled closer to the door. Keeping space between us helped me feel in control over a situation where I had none.

“Daddy,” Cassie said. “I need a favor.”

“What is it?”

“A friend of mine is looking for a job. Can I put him in touch with Luke?”

“Who is this friend?” Jude asked. “Do I know him?”

“I met him through Bristol. You don’t know him, but his name is Josh. He’s older than we are.”

“I see.” When Jude straightened his posture, his body tensed. “What kind of job is he looking for?”

“I don’t know.” Cassie’s phone dinged with a text. “He likes to work with his hands.”

Josh couldn’t keep his hands off Cassie all afternoon, but I didn’t think that was what she meant.

“Can I ask Luke and see if he has something for him?” Cassie glanced at her phone. “Maybe at the club?”

“I’ll talk to Luke later.” He motioned to the door. “I need to speak with Emmie now.”

“Don’t keep her too long.” Cassie went to the door, already texting someone. “We have to sort through all the stuff we bought today.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Jude kissed his daughter’s cheek before ushering her out and closing the door behind her. “I hope she wasn’t too overwhelming for you.”

“She was great.” I smoothed my hand along the suede material of the dress. “Too generous. I can’t keep all of the stuff she bought.”

“You can and you will.” He moved closer to me, forcing me to walk backward until I hit the chair behind me. “You look beautiful.” He reached for my hand, guiding me to him. “I like your hair.”

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