Page 17 of Savage Deal

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“I’m twenty.”


“Why is my age interesting?” I ran my hand along the smooth material of the shirt in front of me.

“No reason.” She moved closer to me, checking out my clothes. I probably should have listened to Cassie when she told me to change into something new, but I thought it was awkward to put the clothes on before we even left the store. Now I really felt out of place. “Are you from around here?” Bristol asked.

“I moved around a lot as a kid.”

“Where do you live now?” She glanced down at my old sneakers, not hiding her thoughts in her expression.

“I’m staying with Jude.”

“What?” She bit her bottom lip. “At the house? Cassie didn’t tell me that.”

Cassie and Josh emerged from the dressing room, smiling and grabbing one another.

“Tell you what?” Cassie asked.

“Emmie is staying with you.” Bristol twirled a strand of her long blonde hair around her finger. “That’s some colossal news.”

“I just found out this morning.” Cassie held Josh’s hand. “Are you ready for lunch? My treat.”

“More like your daddy’s treat.” Josh laughed. “Why not?”

“Cassie,” I said. “Before we go, can I put something else on?”

“That’s why we bought it.” She ran over to the bags. “I know exactly what you should wear. The brown dress with those cool booties.”

“You bought the booties I was checking out the other day?” Bristol asked Cassie.

“You can get them too,” Cassie said. “Here.” She handed me the dress. “You’re going to look amazing in this.”

“I’m sure your dad will love her in that.” Bristol forced her lips into a fake smile.

I didn’t like the way Bristol treated me. She didn’t think I was worthy of Jude. I didn’t know why that bothered me. Maybe I was just tired of being treated like I didn’t matter. Maybe for one afternoon, I wanted to feel special.

* * *

When we arrived backat the house, Johnny helped carry the packages into the foyer. I didn’t think he said three words all day. He followed us around and did what Cassie said to do.

“You can put them in the hall by my room,” Cassie said. “I’ll sort it all out when I go upstairs.”

After he gave us a slight smile, he began the process of emptying the car and bringing the rest into the house.

“Shouldn’t we help him?” I asked.

“No, Daddy texted and told me to bring you to his study.” Cassie walked down the hallway. “We don’t keep him waiting.”

“Is he impatient?”

“He just likes to be in control. Besides, I have to ask him something about Josh.”


“He’s looking for a new job, and I think my dad can help.” She stopped before we got to his study. “Do me a favor?”

