Page 45 of Savage Deal

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“What? No,” she defended. “I’m just reminding him that you are with my dad.”

Shouldn’t you be reminding him that you wouldn’t do that?

“Would you entertain it, Emmie?” Josh asked.

“Not in your wildest dreams.” I rolled my eyes.

“Eww!” Cassie screeched. “A spider!”

When she swatted it off the island, it landed on the pristine white tile and scuttled across the floor.

I dumped my water out in the sink, intending to trap it in the glass and take it outside. Josh had other ideas as he advanced on it, cornering the defenseless creature between the table and the wall.

“No!” I stood next to him. “Let’s put it in this cup.”

“I’ll step on it.”


“It’s a bug.” He raised his foot, but before he could stomp, Jude placed his hand on Josh’s shoulder and pulled him away from the spider.

“Mr. Cordero.” Josh’s expression wasn’t as smug. “I was helping the ladies with the spider.”

“Were you?” Jude held out his hand for the glass, so I gave it to him. He crouched down and trapped the spider as I had wanted to, and then opened the back door to release it.

“Thank you,” I said when he came back into the kitchen. “It wasn’t hurting anyone.”

“Josh,” Jude said. “Is there something you need in the house?”

“No,” he replied. “I was on a break, so I thought I’d say hello to Cassie and Emmie.”

Don’t use me as a cover.

“You should get back to work, but let me offer you some advice.” Jude stepped toward him, and although they were similar in height, and both had a muscular build, Jude had more of a presence than Josh ever could. Josh stumbled back. “If you’re ever in a place minding your own business, but someone feels you don’t belong, you should hope that they provide you with the same spirit of compassion Emmie wanted to give to that defenseless spider.”

Could he be any sexier?

“Right.” Josh nodded. “I’ll keep that in mind.” He glanced at Cassie before quickly leaving through the back door.

“Daddy, do you have to be so scary?” Cassie took an apple from the fruit bowl.

“I might not be scary enough.” He pointed to the staircase. “Don’t you have homework to do?”

“I’m going.” She trudged up the stairs without an argument. She probably realized Jude was on to her.

“How is your day going?” He rinsed the glass and put it in the dishwasher? “I saw you out with Anthony again.”

“He’s been so kind to me. He loves talking about the horses. Hellfire is his favorite.”

“He’s a good kid.”

“He speaks about you with such pride. He says you gave him a chance when no one else would.”

“Everyone deserves a chance.”

“Is that why you gave Josh a job?”

“I doubt this is the first chance Josh has been given, but if he insists on hanging around my daughter, it’s better they do it here where I can keep an eye on them.”
