Page 44 of Savage Deal

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Luke was protective of Jude. Grace had routines, and didn’t have time for small talk, or any interaction that interfered with her day. Cassie hung out with me when she wasn’t at school or busy with Bristol, and Josh. Now that Josh worked here, she seemed to always be sneaking time with him. And then there was Jude. His work schedule took up most of his time. If he wasn’t at the club, he was locked in his office, taking meetings or on the phone.

“I’ll see you at dinner.” Anthony waved before hurrying off to complete his next task.

“Bye.” I stared out at the sprawling backyard as Anthony disappeared down one of the paths.

If I hadn’t stumbled into this situation, I would still be running from my father’s enemies, or worse. I didn’t want to think about the alternative. If I had to navigate my way around my new surroundings, it was still better than the alternative.I think…

“There she is,” Josh said as I came into the kitchen.

He and Cassie were huddled by the large counter in the center of the room. She scrolled on her phone while he hovered close to her with his hand on her hip.

“Did you have fun with the slow poke?” Josh smiled.

“Don’t call him that.” There was something about this guy that made me sick to my stomach.

“You two seem to be getting along.” He looked over Cassie’s shoulder to see what she was doing on her phone.

“He’s sweet.” Anthony was shy, and sheltered, but he loved talking about the horses. “He knows so much about the property.”

“That’s all he knows.” Josh laughed.

“That’s not a kind thing to say.” Cassie wiggled out of his hold. “You know he has some issues.”

“Like you’re winning any awards for kindness.” He yanked her by the arm, and for some reason, it didn’t seem as sexy as when Jude did it to me. “Why do you care?”

“Because if Luke finds out you’re teasing his cousin, that’s going to piss him off. If you get on Luke’s bad side, you’ll automatically be on my dad’s shit list. And if you get on that list, I won’t be able to help you.”

“Maybe Emmie could.” He looked me over like he was choosing a piece of meat at a local butcher shop. “Your dad likes her.”

“Stop it!” Cassie giggled. “Leave Anthony alone.”

“I don’t like him around when I’m working.”

“Maybe he feels the same way about you?” I shrugged as I went to the cabinet to get a glass.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Josh asked.

“He’s been here a long time, and he knows his stuff when it comes to the stables and the horses.” I filled my glass with water from the pitcher in the refrigerator.

“One could say you do too,” Josh said. “Isn’t that where Cassie’s dad found you?”

“Josh?” Cassie glared at him.

“What?” He looked at me. “I didn’t think it was a secret.”

“It isn’t.” I took a sip of my water, trying to settle my upset stomach. “How about the two of you? Are you still a secret?”

“You’re sassy.” Josh smirked. “I like that.”

“Seriously?” Cassie shot Josh a look that matched my disgust for him.

Why are you with him?

“What?” Josh held up his hands. “We could all have some fun together.”

“He’s joking.” Cassie shook her head. “He knows you’re with my dad.”

“If I wasn’t with your dad, would you entertain it?” Maybe Cassie was bolder than I thought.
