Page 57 of Savage Deal

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“At my home?” Jude asked. “I would have preferred a meeting at the club.”

When the man with the neck tattoos and the raspy voice set his sights on me, I instinctively moved to stand behind Jude, staying close enough to him that my chest was flush against his back.

“You must be the infamous Emmie,” he said. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”

Chapter 16


Emmie’s rapid breaths skimmed the back of my neck. She hid behind me, much like she had done the first night we met when Sasha came charging at her, and then again when Cobra approached her at the club.

I didn’t like the way Caleb addressed her. It was a sign of disrespect, and he made no attempt to hide it.

“What are you doing here, Caleb?” I glanced at the two men he had brought with him. “I don’t take meetings at my home.” The cartel respected my privacy as did other members in organized crime.

“You can make an exception for me.” He didn’t take his gaze away from Emmie. “We have some business to discuss.”

“Emmie.” I placed my hand on the small of her back. “Go upstairs and wait for me.”

She hesitated, but when Luke opened the patio doors for her, she did what I asked, keeping her gaze down as she disappeared into the house.

“I can see why you were so quick to wire me the money for her.” Caleb smirked. “I should have paid you a visit to see what all the fuss was about sooner. Maybe I wouldn’t have accepted your offer so quickly. I could have gotten multiple offers on her.”

“What do you want?” I ignored his goading, because if I didn’t, this meeting wouldn’t end well.

“There was an altercation at your club the other night between you and one of my men.”

“An altercation?” I glanced at Luke. “I wouldn’t call it that.”

“What would you call beating Cobra to the point of being unrecognizable, and then dropping him off in my parking lot?”


“The stories about the size of your balls are not exaggerated.”

“Cobra put his hands on Emmie.”

“Before you even knew her.”

“It still happened, and I might have been able to forget that, but when I caught him tormenting her in my place of business after he knew she was mine, well, that I couldn’t let go.” I looked over at the two men who were there with him. “I’m sure you can appreciate that.”

“Is it always going to come back to this girl?” He tilted his head. “I had hoped we could work together.”

“That remains to be seen, Mr. Myers, but I can assure you if I hear Emmie’s name come out of your mouth one more time, we’re going to have a problem.” When I stepped toward him, his guards moved in. “Call them off,” I said. “You’re in my house.”

Caleb held up his hand and his men backed off. Luke came to stand beside me.

“We got off track.” Caleb stood in front of his men. “I came here to tell you I can forget the problem you had with Cobra, and I’m willing to move forward.”

“Cobra is not welcome in my club.”

“I understand, but I’m going to need a show of good faith on your side.”

“We haven’t agreed to work with you,” Luke reminded him. “Why would we have to show good faith?”

“Because my associates need a guarantee that you’ll be able to move our product without incident.”

“Your associates?” And he thought my balls were big? “I don’t move products for just anyone.”
