Page 58 of Savage Deal

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“I can assure you these associates aren’t just anyone.”

“This meeting is over.” I pointed to the back gate. “My men will show you out.”

No one came onto my territory and demanded I work with them. I risked my life and my business to get where I was today. No fucking way was this day-player going to come in and act like he ran the show.

“Are you sure you want to do that?” Caleb asked.

“You and your associates can set up a proper meeting with me at my club. If I think your proposal is worth it, we’ll talk.” I nodded at my men, so they knew I wanted them out. “I trust you’ll be in touch.”

“I think you’re making a mistake. Your friends in South America won’t be pleased.”

“You’re entitled to your opinion, and I’ll worry about South America.” The cartel had an interest in Myers, but not one had followed up on the meeting that didn’t happen the other night. For me, it was business as usual.

The presence of my two men behind them made them move toward the gate. I waited for them to exit the yard before I spoke.

“What the fuck were they doing back here?” I asked.

“They walked right into the yard,” Luke said. “The guys saw them on the cameras. When they told me, I came out here.”

“We’ll need to increase security.” I clenched my fist. “My family lives here.”

“So does mine.”

“What the fuck is Caleb trying to prove?” I paced the patio. “I don’t move shit for low-level people. He has to know that.”

“Maybe his associates aren’t low-level.”

“Who do you think they are?”

“I don’t know, but he seemed a little too confident by coming here.” Luke opened the patio doors. “I’ll see if I can find anything out.”

“I don’t trust him.” I followed Luke into the house.“He seems fixated on Emmie.”

“I thought after the transaction he would have lost interest in her.”

Why did his use of the wordtransactionbother me? It wasn’t his fault he viewed my relationship with Emmie that way. After all, I did pay for her. When did this become so complicated?

“Like I said, let’s get more security in here.” I went to the kitchen. “I’m sure there are guys at the club looking to pick up some extra shifts. Make sure you screen them if they will be coming to the house.”

“Everyone is fully vetted.”

“We can’t be too careful.” I headed up the back staircase. “It will make me feel better if we do a full security check on everyone.”

“I’ll get on that.”

“Thank you,” I called down the stairs as I got to the top.

Caleb had always been on my radar, but he had never been an issue. This situation put us in one another’s paths, but I didn’t have use for him. He clearly wanted something from me, but I wasn’t willing to play his game.

Light seeped out from underneath Emmie’s door. I turned the handle, but it was locked.Frustrating.When I knocked, her footsteps came toward the door, but she hesitated to open it.

“Emmie, it’s me.”

She turned the knob and cracked open the door. After I pushed it forward, I found her standing by the bed in nothing but a towel. The scent of the rose body wash filled the room.

“When I told you to wait upstairs for me, I meant I wanted you in my bedroom.” I shut the door. “You showered.”

“I was cold.”

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