Page 61 of Savage Deal

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I looked up at her, surprised she talked to me this much. She was always polite, but her main focus was Jude. I could tell from the way she interacted with me that she didn’t understand what I was doing here.

“I grew up with Jude. My family didn’t live far from his. When my parents got divorced, Jude’s house became a second home for me. His parents were always around. They did stuff with their kids. They had a pool and a finished basement. I loved going to their house.”

“They seem like a good family.” I had only met them at the wedding, but it was obvious from their interactions they enjoyed one another’s company.

“They’re very close, and so welcoming,” she said. “After his parents died, the siblings became even closer. All the nieces and nephews are tight. The family always welcomed Luke and I into the mix. If it weren’t for Jude, I don’t know where I would have ended up.”

“He was kind enough to take me in.”

“It seems like he did a little more than take you in.”

“He’s been very generous to me.” I tucked my hair behind my ear. “Have you lived here long?”

“About sixteen years.” She set her phone down. “Cassandra was a baby when I came to help Jude out. He and Luke need someone to look after them.” She shook her head. “They would eat takeout every night if it weren’t for me.”

“They’re lucky to have you.”

“I feel the same way about them.”

I glanced at the book on the counter.

“Have you read that?” Grace asked.

I shook my head.

“It was pretty good.”

It was a thick book that probably had a lot of words I wouldn’t understand.

“I finished it this morning. It’s a mystery with a lot of twists and turns. There’s even a romance brewing between the pages.” She smiled. “You can have it if you’d like. I’m done with it.”

“Okay.” I slipped the book across the counter, knowing I wasn’t going to read it, but I didn’t want to be rude. “Thank you.”

“Let me know when you finish and we can talk about it.” She went to the stove. “I need to get breakfast started.”

I glanced at the back book cover, taking in the words. It had been a while since I tried to read a book. I never got past middle school reading. High school had been a struggle, but I was in low classes, and because we moved around so much, no one ever expected much from me. Community college was even more difficult, because the teachers didn’t care if you could keep up or not. You were expected to do the work, and I couldn’t. I loved the art classes, but I couldn’t manage the math and the reading courses.

Grace lost herself in preparing breakfast. It looked like she was making her famous stuffed French Toast with cinnamon, blueberries, and bananas. I hoped Jude came down soon because I was hungry just thinking about it.

“I’ll be back.” I hopped off the stool. “I left my sketch pad in the stables.”

“Don’t take too long.” She sliced the bananas into thin pieces. “This taste much better when it’s hot.”

“I won’t.” I hurried out the back door and to the stables.

As I ran, I thought about the book Grace gave me. Maybe I could read it. I could take my time, and if there were words I didn’t understand, I could look them up. My life was different from when Iwas in school. My attitude should be too.

Once I entered the stables, I found Josh by the window, flipping through my sketches. Anthony was frantically pacing in front of the horses.

“That’s Emmie’s,” Anthony said.

“There’s the little artist.” Josh glanced at me before turning the next page. “This one is impressive.” He turned the pad so I could see the drawing of Jude standing in front of the fireplace with his back turned to me the night we were together for the first time. He was shirtless in the sketch, and I had been working on perfecting his tattoos. “I can tell who your muse is.”

“Can I have that back?” I held out my hand. “I didn’t mean to leave it here.”

“I’d be happy to pose for you if you’re looking for a younger model.” He continued to turn the pages. “What is it with you and the sugar daddy? There are so many of him in here.”

“Give it back to her.” Anthony fidgeted as he walked.
