Page 60 of Savage Deal

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“Jude,” she breathed out between my attack on her mouth. “Yes.”

I released her face and unbuttoned my pants, shoving them over my hips before lifting her up and wrapping her legs around my waist. I grasped my shaft and rammed inside her. When she tensed, I should have stopped, but I couldn’t. Now that I had been with her, there would never be any way to put this genie back in the bottle.

She sucked in a breath and gritted her teeth when I thrust forward, slamming her against the wall. She held onto me as if I were her lifeline. I drove into her over and over, fucking her until neither of us could focus on anything more than each other.

“Open your eyes and look at me,” I demanded as I pounded into her.

Her wet hair fell over her face in long strands, but I could still see her haunting, beautiful eyes. They told me everything. She needed me to take care of her. She had been lost for so long, but she was never going to be alone again. I would make sure of it.

“I’ll take care of you, Emmie.” I slowed my pace. “I won’t let anyone hurt you, but you have to trust me.”

She tightened her hold on me with her legs as I shifted my hips, going as deep as I could. Her fingernails dug into my shoulders as I thrust fast and hard, grunting into her neck.

With one final plunge forward, I pinned her against the wall and let go, emptying into her, claiming her again. She rested her head on my shoulder as I walked us over to the bed. I placed her in the center, catching my breath before I tugged up my pants and raised the zipper.

When I sat on the edge of the bed, she got on her knees and draped her arms over my shoulder, gently hugging me. Her actions were in stark contrast to my own. Her tenderness canceled out my savageness. The delicate touch outmaneuvered my rough contact.

If I kept telling myself I was her only hope, would it make what I was doing to her any less horrifying? I bought her, that made her mine. But I didn’t have to keep her. I could have let her go. If I were a better man, but I wasn’t.

“Do you still want to run?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

What the fuck? Doesn’t she understand she’s mine now?

“Your virgin blood is still smeared across my dick and you want to leave?”

“No, that’s just it.” She held me tighter. “I don’t want to run away from you.”

“What do you want?”

“I want to run to you.”

“Straight into the arms of the devil.” I grinned. “That’s my girl.”

Chapter 17


It was a quiet morning. Cassie left for school ten minutes after she was supposed to. Jude was still asleep. He got in after four this morning, which was later than usual. He would be up before ten, and I would have breakfast with him.

I took Sasha for a walk and then helped Anthony brush the horses. I tried to fill my time, but when Jude wasn’t around I was restless. The constant fear I experienced when I first came to live here had subsided. Jude was still a scary man, but I wasn’t as afraid of him. I guessed that was progress.

“Hello,” Grace greeted me when I came into the kitchen. “I’m getting ready to make breakfast for Jude. Is there anything special you would like?”

“Whatever you’re making is fine.” I sat at the counter, trying to stay out of her way. “Can I help you with anything?”

“I’m making a shopping list for Thanksgiving dinner.” She held up her phone to show me her notes. “Do you have any requests? Something you had growing up that you would like me to make?”

I didn’t remember that many holidays. The last few I had been on my own and I wasn’t in a very festive mood. Most of the time, Thanksgiving and Christmas were just any other days.

“I’m sure your selections will be delicious.” Grace was an amazing cook. “Thank you for asking.”

“Do you have much family?”

“Not really.” I traced my finger along the smooth granite. “I’m pretty much on my own.”

“I know the feeling.”
