Page 77 of Savage Deal

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“Lorda Capri.” I opened the book and perused the pages of her vibrant colors and paintings. “She’s a local artist.”

“She was a local artist,” Jude said. “She’s international now.”

“Her work is stunning.” I continued to study the pictures. “She once did a showing at the library a few years ago. I went and was blown away by her talent.”

“You’ve met her?”

“No, I stood in the back while she spoke. I was fifteen and too shy to approach her.” I kissed his cheek. “Thank you for this. I love it. I can learn so much about her technique by looking at it.”

This was my kind of book. Minimal reading and a subject that I was interested in. I couldn’t wait to really get into it.

“That’s just part of the gift.”

“Oh?” I couldn’t imagine any more than what he had already given me. I wasn’t used to this kind of attention.

“I know Lorda,” he said. “We may have dated a long time ago.”


“In college.”

“She went to Harvard too. I remember she said that at the library. She studied art history and something to do with museums.”

“You have a very good memory.” He traced his finger along my arm. “Anyway, we were kids and only went out a few times, but we stayed friends through the years.”

When he said they were kids, they were my age back then. I tried not to think about that.

“She’s been living in Italy with her current husband, I think it’s husband number three.” He smirked. “She’s coming back to the states in January to teach a course at Boston University, and I thought that would be a perfect opportunity for you.”

“Boston University?” I shook my head. “I couldn’t make it through community college.”

“Not exactly the university,” he said. “But I was thinking, since this is your twenty-first birthday, it might be a perfect time to start thinking about your future.”

“What about it?” It didn’t take my birthday to get me thinking ahead. I had to come up with a plan for my life. No one knew that better than me.

“I’ve seen some of your drawings. You have talent.”

“I’m okay.”

“You’re better than okay, but we can all use help and guidance.” He took the book from me and placed it on the table before taking my hands in his. “I believe you would benefit from some instruction to help you realize your full potential. I know you don’t like the idea of school in a traditional sense.”

“I’m not cut out for school.”

“Not everyone is, and that’s fine, but it doesn’t mean you’re not smart or can’t further your ambitions. You were failed as a child. I don’t know, even if someone had intervened and helped you with your learning issues, maybe college still wouldn’t be for you, but I can’t let all of your raw talent go to waste.”

“I would love to pursue my passion, but I don’t know where to start.”

“I do.” He squeezed my hands. “I’ve hired Lorda to help you.”

“You did what?”

“Starting in January, she’ll come to the house and tutor you. She’ll give you tips and help you with your work.”

“I, ah, don’t know what to say.” How could I work with someone as fabulous as Lorda Capri? “She hasn’t even seen my work. I would be terrified to show her anything.”

“She’s doing it as a favor to me.” He took my face between his hands. “I wouldn’t have asked her if I didn’t think you had talent. Lorda is exactly who you need.”

“Jude, this is crazy.” I laughed because I was nervous. “She’s a professional artist. I don’t have any formal training.”
