Page 42 of Cage & Magnolia

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Thanking the woman, I help Magnolia up before we collect the information, and hold her hand all the way out to my Jeep. We drive straight home and down to the cabana after seeing that Joss is busy writing on the back deck. She gives a passing wave, but she’s deep in concentration. Moving here has unlocked something in her, and she’s been a writing machine ever since.

Sitting together quietly, with Magnolia between my thighs and holding the envelope, we stay that way for a few hours before she finally tears the top off and pulls out the paper to reveal our biggest secret yet. We spend the next few hours making love in the setting sun, the sound of the waves the backdrop to our own beautiful concert.



Two Years Later.

We’re back to where it began, in Texas for the weekend. Over the past two years, I’ve watched my stunning wife blossom from the insecure woman she was to a fucking powerhouse who takes no prisoners. After the birth of our first child, Magnolia got it in her head that she needed something else to do. She needed to contribute…

I was happy with her being barefoot and pregnant on our beachfront property.

After Joss and her man moved out and built their own haven not far away, my pet began modeling again. I fucking hated it. Wanted to burn every camera to ever capture her beauty. Once she saw how aggravated it made me, she started only doing poses from the back and never with other men. She tried doing a few with women, but as it turns out, my jealousy doesn’t discriminate about who is putting their hands on her. It’s women as well.

“Oh god, Cage, that feels divine.” Her head leans against my shoulder, her warm breath gracing my neck as she looks up at me.

“You two are still so adorable.” An author, Annelise something, sighs as she wraps an arm around Joss.

“Do you want to sit, pet?” Brushing my lips across hers, I keep my eyes on her as she shakes her head. I knew that would be her answer; doesn’t mean I have to like it.

“I’ll only be getting up soon.” Cradling her once again expanding belly in my supportive hands, taking the pressure off her petite body as I hold her against my chest, is an honor I discovered she enjoyed near the end of her last pregnancy.

“Say the word, and we’ll leave.” I always give her an out. The MMM signing in Texas is the only one she attends and only ever with Jossilyn. However, since becoming a rights agent, my Magnolia has been in high demand amongst these colleagues.

The one thing she told me she would always do was represent anyone who wanted it. Too many cliques exist in the industry, and she wants to ensure everyone gets a fighting chance. And she’s done one hell of a job. She’s got a couple dozen clients and has a hard time saying no to new authors.

Which is why I’ve somehow become her assistant. Poor Braxton is in the same boat as he helps Joss with her own books. They’re the leading ladies, and we’ve become their underlings. Though I know Brax doesn’t mind it any more than I do.

Every once in a while, he and I will go on a job together, and the girls will spend the entire time we’re gone in the cabana by the sea while the children play like mud people. When we leave, there is no schedule to their lives, nothing but the two of them with our two children, Joss and Braxton’s child, and a lot of laughter. We set up cameras so we could watch them. It alleviates our stress.

As the line at Joss’ table grows, so too does my wife’s exhaustion. She’s six months along, carrying twins, and I know she misses our other two boys as they spend the weekend with her father back in Arizona. He’s flying back to South Africa with them the day after we arrive home. Magnolia will need time to recover, and I’ll need time spent between her luscious thighs before the tiny terrors absorb all her time again.

Never in my wildest imagination did I envision this would be my life just because I saved a ginger-haired bombshell in a hairy situation, but there isn’t a fucking thing I would change.

The End!

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