Page 35 of Impulsive Love

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He starts to laugh and shakes his head. “You are such a wuss.” Graham holds up Madison, so they’re eye to eye. “Is Mommy a wuss?”

The little booger gurgles at him, making him smile. “Quit telling my daughter lies.”

The waitress comes back with drinks and takes our order.

“Tell me, what’s going on with you and Casey?” I still haven’t met the guy he’s dating or whatever is going on.

He smiles softly. “We’re still just talking. He’s uncomfortable with the fact that I’m bi.” Graham kisses the top of Madison’s head. “We’ll see what happens.”

“Before you told me about Casey, I thought you were going to ask me out. I told myself to say yes, even though I think of you as more of a best friend,” I tell him and shrug.

“Oh, I was interested in you at first. You were clearly not into me, but there was just something that made me want to at least be your friend.”

I’ve never been uber emotional, but Graham’s going to make me cry. “You are an amazing guy.”

Our food comes and he places Madison in the carrier. “Well, you’re an amazing woman.” He looks down at the baby. “You are too, sweet girl.”

While we eat we talk about work and school, and luckily he hasn’t asked me about Chris. Abby’s talk earlier has me so confused. The more I get to know him, the more I see what a good man he truly is. I don’t think he sees it, but he is so strong.

“Hey.” I blink and then focus on Graham. “Are you okay? Your face went blank.”

“I’m sorry, my mind was wandering. I’m just tired.” He looks at me with a furrowed brow and then nods. “Madison was up early and then that damn Crossfit workout kicked my ass.” I hold up my hands. “I’m good, I promise.”

We finish lunch and he refuses to let me pay. He straps my daughter in, and we climb out of the booth. Graham carries Madison as we walk through the diner. We’re almost to the door when I freeze.

Chris is sitting in a booth by the entrance and he’s across from a gorgeous redhead. He sees me and he holds my gaze. My stomach twists as she looks me up and down, obviously sizing me up.

I hear my baby girl gurgle from her carrier and become unstuck. On quick feet, I hustle toward the door. I take Madison from Graham.

“What’s going on, Haddie? You look spooked.” He follows me to my car.

“N-Nothing. I just am not feeling well.” I quickly get her loaded up and climb in. “I’ll call you later.”

I pull away from the curb and head toward home. By the time I pull into the parking lot, I’m hurt, and I know I have no right to be, but I still am. While still sitting in my car, I call my mom.

“Hey, honey. How are you?”

“Hi, Mom. Can I come over? Can Madison and I spend the night?” I try to keep my voice casual, but Mom knows me better.

“Of course. I’ll set up the playpen in your old room. Daddy can handle Madison and then you and I are going to sit outside, drink some wine, and you’re going to tell me what has you upset. See you soon.” That crazy woman hangs up on me. I decide to take her over to Mom and Dad’s now, and I’ll come back to pack our bag by myself.

The moment we pull into my parents’ driveway, Dad is at the backdoor getting Madison out. “There’s Papa’s girl.”

My daughter coos at her Papa as I climb out and follow them inside. “Hey Dad, remember me?”

He turns around and laughs. “Sorry, sweetheart. I was excited to hear my babies were spending the night with us tonight.” Dad kisses my cheek and then unhooks Madison from the carrier and they disappear into the family room, where all of the grandkids’ stuff is.

Mom is in the kitchen, pulling some cupcakes out of the oven. “Hey, baby.” She opens her arms and I step right into them, hugging my mom tight.

“Hey, Mom. Thanks for letting us stay over. I hope we’re not going to be cramping your style.”

She wraps her arm around my waist. “Never. I haven’t seen you much lately. It’ll be nice to spend the evening with my baby.”

“I’m going to run home quick to pack a bag and shower. Dad has Madison.”

Mom gives me a squeeze. “Sure thing, take your time. We’ve got that little angel.”

I head out and climb in my car. I pull out of the driveway and head home.
