Page 39 of Impulsive Love

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“How was she?” Haddie asked, wrapping her arms around her dad.

“Perfect as always,” JoJo said, smiling at her daughter and granddaughter.

We got Madison strapped into her carrier and I carried her toward the door. “Thank you again for watching her,” I told them as they walked us to the door.

Haddie grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers together. I certainly didn’t miss the daggers Dylan was shooting at me.

JoJo, on the other hand, kissed my cheek before hugging and kissing her daughter. Once I got Madison loaded in the back, I opened the door for Haddie, helping her inside.

Back at Haddie’s, I took care of Madison’s diaper and put her in her jammies, while she changed. I’m still awkward when I do both, but every time I get a little bit better. When Haddie came out free of makeup, in a black tank top and red knit shorts, she never looked sexier.

I got off the floor with Madison in my arms, kissing her cheek until she started cooing and laughing. We switched off and I went into the bedroom to change into cut off sweats and an old Foo Fighters t-shirt.

I stood in front of the door, and before I opened it, I took a deep breath and shook out my hands. I was so nervous, more nervous than I’ve ever been. It’s been so long since I’ve had sex and certainly a long time since I’ve had sex sober.

What if I disappoint her? I did once before. She was a virgin, and I made her first time, well hell, I don’t know how I made her first time because I was blackout drunk and on a coke bender. Hell, I’m surprised I was even able to perform.

“Don’t be an idiot,” I whispered to myself.

I then made my way back out to my girls.

It was two hours later that our night took a turn. After I put Madison to bed, I came back out to the living room and sat on the sofa, wrapping my arm around Haddie’s shoulder, and we went back to watching our movie.

I felt it, the moment she fell asleep with her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her, and kissed the top of her head.

I woke with a start as did Haddie, then we realized that Madison was screaming bloody murder. We ran into the nursery—my sweet daughter had shit up her back and up her front, and was beet red. Ignoring the smell and the fact it was about to get all over me, I picked my baby girl up and immediately panicked. “She’s burning up.”

Of course, Haddie the nurse was cool, calm, and collected. She grabbed the thermometer and touched it Madison’s forehead. When it beeped she pulled it away. “It’s 100.1. I’m going to get the Tylenol.” She disappeared out of the bedroom.

That brings us to now. “Shh…baby girl. It’s okay,” I croon. My heart is breaking because she sounds miserable.

Haddie comes back in with an eye dropper full of red liquid. She grabs Madison’s face and squirts the medicine into her mouth. The baby makes a god-awful gurgling, coughing sound, and then she starts screaming again.

“Let’s get her cleaned up,” I say, and we head into the bathroom in Haddie’s room. She gets the shower going and then takes Madison, while I quickly strip down to my boxer briefs. Haddie hands me the baby and I strip her down, and then climb into the shower, getting my baby girl clean.


There is nothing sexier than a man taking care of his child. When I come back from throwing the bedding and their clothes in the washer, I watch as Chris rinses Madison’s little body off even as she screams her head off. I soap up a washcloth and reach in, running it over her body and Chris’s.

Once they’re cleaned off, Chris hands me the baby and I wrap a towel around her. He steps out and I try to ignore the fact that his body is so sexy; it is muscular, but not overly so. Chris has almost an eight pack, and that V that I’ve read about in my romance stories. I won’t lie, he looks better than ever.

By the time Madison is in clean jammies her cries are no longer pained. We lie on my sofa, he’s on his back with our daughter on his chest and I’ve got my back against the cushions. Our legs are tangled together as we both watch her back go up and down as she starts to fall asleep.

We’re up and down all night until Madison’s fever finally breaks.

I carry two cups of coffee into my bedroom and find Chris shirtless and laying on his side, with his hand resting on our sleeping daughter’s chest. He sits up and takes the mug from me.

“I didn’t know how you take it, so it’s black.” I sit down by his legs.

He smiles at me and gosh, he is sexy. His hair is messy, and his eyes are soft with sleep. It doesn’t hurt that he’s not wearing a shirt. God, I want to bite each of his muscles. “Baby, if you keep staring at me like that, we’re going to have to figure something out.”

I get what he’s implying, and my cheeks heat up. “How is she?” I ask, wanting to change the subject.

“She’s whimpered a couple of times in her sleep, but she didn’t wake up.” He kisses her forehead and then smiles at me. “I’ve never seen so much poop come out of a little baby before.”

“Well, I’m proud of you. I thought for sure you were going to start gagging.”

He shrugs. “I think it helped that I knew she didn’t feel well that kept me from really thinking about it.” Chris looks down at Madison and then back up at me. “Should we put her in the crib?”
