Page 41 of Impulsive Love

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I reach up, pushing her hair back. “Because you’re pretty to look at.” I give her what I hope is a cheeky smile. She leans down, laying on my chest. I hug her tight and kiss her temple.

We begin to make out again when a certain someone begins to cry. I roll us over. “Stay here and I’ll get baby girl.” Haddie nods, and I climb off the bed. I step into Madison’s room. “Hey, my sweet girl.” She begins to kick her legs and stretch out her arms.

I pick her up and take her over to the changing table. Luckily, her diaper is just wet. I get her all cleaned up and powdered before putting her diaper on. After snapping her jammies back up, I lift her.

Madison snuggles against my chest, and I hug her to me. “Let’s go see Mommy.”

Haddie sits up when we come in. “Madison,” she says in a sing song voice. I crawl on the bed and hand her over to her mom. “Are you hungry?”

I watch as Haddie lies on her side and pulls up her tank top and Madison latches on to her mom’s breast. I get situated on my side and my daughter grabs my finger while she nurses.

I look up to see Haddie watching me with a smile on her face. She puckers up when I lean forward to kiss her. “I can’t stop kissing you,” I whisper against her lips.

“That’s good, because I like kissing you,” she whispers back.

In my life, I have never felt like this with a woman. It was always the game of how quickly I can get a girl into bed. Who cares what her name is or anything else about her, but with Haddie, I want to know everything about this amazing woman.

“Does it hurt?” I ask as I look down at Madison, latched onto her mommy’s boob. “She’s sucking pretty hard.”

“It doesn’t hurt, now when she’s got teeth it might, but for now I’m so used to it they’re a little toughened up.”

Madison releases her mom’s nipple and smiles at us, then pulls my finger toward her mouth. “Oh no, sweetheart.” I look at Haddie, “uhh…we haven’t showered, and you know we kind of—you know.”

“Oh yeah.” She smiles and her cheeks turn pink.

I sit up, bringing Madison with me and burping her. She burps and then toots, making me laugh, but the moment she lays her head on my chest I melt into a huge puddle. I kiss the top of her head. “It is amazing how she can show me without words that she loves me. I love you so much, baby girl.”

“She knows,” Haddie says with a smile. “I’m going to make some coffee.” She climbs off the bed. Madison and I follow her into the kitchen. While our daughter babbles in her secret baby talk, I lean against the counter and watch Haddie get the coffee going.

“Whatever was wrong with her must have run its course, right?” I place my hand on Madison’s forehead. “She’s definitely not running a fever.”

“It was likely just a bug, but I’ll call her pediatrician tomorrow and see if I should bring her in.” The coffee beeps and Haddie pours us both a cup. I place Madison in her bouncy seat and grab my cup of coffee.

“What’s on your agenda for today?” I lean against the counter, taking a sip of my coffee.

“Relax, relax, and relax some more. Would you care to join us?” Haddie grabs Madison’s foot and acts like she’s eating it.

Our daughter coos and laughs, making me smile. “I’d love to. How about we order a pizza for dinner?”

“That sounds good. If you keep an eye on her, I’ll make us some eggs and toast.”

I step to Haddie and grab her hip. “Sure, baby.” I lean in, kissing behind her ear. She sighs and it makes me smile. “Now you come with me, baby girl.” I pluck her from her bouncy seat and carry her into the living room.

I lie on my back on the sofa while she’s on her tummy on my chest. Madison smiles at me and pushes up with her arms. “Oh my god,” I whisper as the most heinous, wet fart sound comes from my beautiful little girl. She then starts to cry. “Hey babe, she had a blow out. I’m going to clean her up,” I holler and then get off the couch.

In her room I lie her on the changing table. Her cries are breaking my heart. “I know, sweetheart, Daddy’s going to get you all clean.” I undo her diaper and hold my breath when I see the funk.

I quickly get her cleaned up and I start softly singing, making up a little song about little girls and unicorns. It’s complete nonsense but she stops crying, so I’m calling it a win.

Once she’s all snapped back into place, I pick her up and kiss her cheek. “No more blow outs, okay?”

She babbles and then smiles at me. I turn around and find Haddie standing in the doorway watching us. “Is she all clean?”

“Yep, it was pretty bad, but not like last night.”

We head out to the kitchen where our eggs and toast are waiting. I grab Madison’s bouncy seat and carefully place her in it before washing my hands. While drying them, I sit down at the table, drop the paper towel, and dig in. “These are great.”

“Thanks. I’m not the best cook, but I make really good eggs. So…that song was really cute.” She smiles cheekily at me and digs into her eggs.
