Page 44 of Impulsive Love

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Joe nods. “Yeah, Mom. We’re fine.”

He leads me outside and we take a seat on the deck steps. “Okay, let’s hear it.”

Joe gives a frustrated sigh. “Haddie, what are you doing?”

I turn to look at him. He looks so much like Dad, it’s scary. “What are you talking about?”

“Don’t play dumb. I’ve seen you around with him and I know he’s been at your place all night.”

I close my eyes and count backwards from ten. He’s a cop and probably would not appreciate me punching him in the face. “Okay, first of all, don’t ever imply that I’m dumb. Also, it is none of your business who is in my home.” I cross my arms over my chest.

“Chris is bad news, he shouldn’t be anywh—”

I hold up my hand to stop him from talking. “He’s changed. You should see him with Madison. He’s good with her, he loves her, and she loves him. Hell, I’m falling in love with him. If you’d at least hear him out, you might be able to see that and maybe even forgive him.”

“Why would I? He had sex with my baby sister, doesn’t remember it, and got her pregnant.” He shakes his head. “You’re not in love with him. You’re only twenty years old, you don’t know how you feel.”

I stand up and turn around to face him. “Are you kidding me right now? Don’t even act like you’re Mr. Family Man and know everything about love. Before Chloe you were out banging anything with a pulse. She gave you a chance to prove you were no longer that guy. Why doesn’t Chris get that same chance? I forgave him.”

“I wasn’t drinking like a fish and doing coke like him.”

I throw my hands up. “He was sick. Chris got treatment and has been sober for over a year. You should be congratulating him, not ignoring him. What does that say about you, that you can’t even hear him out?”

Joe is quiet for a minute and then goes in for the kill shot. “Are you stupid? Goddamn, he’ll hurt you and he’ll hurt Madison. Don’t come crying to me when he does.”

I bite my lip to keep from crying. “Gee, Joe, when did you become a fucking asshole? How about this, stay away from me and stay away from my daughter.” I march past him and into the house.

Dad’s home and has Madison in his arms. “Let me take her. We’re leaving.”

“What’s going on?” Dad asks as he hands me my girl.

I get her buckled in when Joe comes back in. “Keep him away from me,” I say and pick up my backpack and the baby carrier.

“Someone tell me what the hell is going on?” Dad looks between the two of us.

I shake my head and point at Joe. “Ask your son.”

Outside I get Madison loaded up when my mom comes walking out. “Honey, what is going on?”

I shake my head. If I start to talk, I’m going to cry. “I can’t.” My voice cracks and my eyes burn.

“Are you okay to drive home? I can take you and have Daddy pick me up.”

“I’ll be safe. Precious cargo and all.” I give her my fakest bright smile. “The minute we’re home I’ll text you.”

“Okay, baby.” She grabs my face and kisses my cheek. “I’m going inside and kick some ass.”

She makes me smile. “Love you.”

On the way home I decide to call Robert. “Well, this is a nice surprise. How are you, sweetheart?” I love that he acts like we just didn’t see each other yesterday.

“I’m good. I was just talking to Madison and she said she was in desperate need of a grandpa snuggle. Is it okay if we come over?” I bite my lip, hoping he says yes.

“Absolutely. I can’t wait to see my girls.” We disconnect and we head toward Robert’s.

The moment we pull down the street I spot Robert on the walkway. I can’t help it and smile. That man certainly loves his granddaughter, and he loves me too. Of course, the minute I pull into the driveway, the back door is open, and Robert begins talking to his granddaughter.

I quickly type out a message to Chris.
