Page 45 of Impulsive Love

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Haddie: Hey baby, I’m at your house with Madison.

I know he’s working late, but I just want to see him. It sounds stupid, but I just want a hug.


The minute I step inside, Haddie’s in front of me. “Hi.” She walks right into my open arms. “Please just hold me,” she say quietly.

“What happened?” I ask. My heart starts beating wildly in my chest.

My day had started out great, it was with Haddie lips wrapped around my dick—see insatiable—then we snuggled until our little princess woke up very angry. We snuggled with her after she nursed and then reluctantly got up to get ready for work.

Haddie looked hot in her scrubs, all professional. I, of course, was just in a t-shirt, jeans, and my steel-toed boots. We made out a little bit before she left to head to her office.

Then Madison helped me make my lunch. When I dropped her off at Journey and Dylan’s, she greeted me with a bright smile. “Good morning, you two.” She took the diaper bag from me and I set the carrier on the floor and picked the baby up, giving her a kiss on her cheek.

“Haddie is going to pick her tonight. We’re doing the flooring today, so I’ll be working late,” I say as I hand Madison over.

“No problem, sweetheart. Have a good day and be safe.” I gave her arm a squeeze and then left for the job site.

When I got there Violet and Diego were already there, with her dad, Dustin. I am always the first one to arrive and the last to leave. I’m sure people think I’m being a suck up. Truth of the matter is I like those times when I’m alone.

They were doing a walkthrough and I left them to it. Before he left, Dustin stopped me. “Hey, I just wanted to tell you that your work is really impressive. You’re going to help make us a nice profit when we sell this place.”

I shook his offered hand. “I appreciate it. Hell, by the time we’re finished I may be in the market for a new home.” The more I’ve worked on it, the more I’ve started falling in love with this place. This is the type of home I’d love to raise my daughter in. I could almost see Haddie sitting on the back steps watching our daughter run around the backyard, maybe with a brother or sister.

I couldn’t believe that thought popped into my head, and I didn’t freak out. It was the truth though; I’m falling in love with her, and I’m scared. If I fall off the wagon, not only would I hurt Haddie, but I’d hurt our daughter as well.

I was getting everything ready to start the floors when the rest of the crew started showing up, including Dylan, who isn’t as hands on as he was before, but he still has no problem getting his hands dirty.

He gave me a chin lift before heading outside to go over more plans with Violet and Dustin. The rest of the workday went good, and we got the flooring done. Tomorrow we’ll begin laying the plank flooring and I’m sure I’ll be even more tempted to buy it.

Now I focus back on my girl, who seems troubled. She grabs my hand, dragging me to my room. Once the door shuts, she starts pacing. “My brother is a dick.”

“What happened?” I sit on the side of the bed. I won’t lie that I’m a little worried about what she wants to say.

“I went to Mom’s to pick up Madison and Joe was there.” Fuck, this isn’t good. “He wanted to go outside and talk.”

Haddie immediately begins to cry. “He was such a dick and how dare he hold onto his anger when I forgave you for what happened. That should be enough.” She gets down on her knees in front of me. “I told him that you’re a good man, a good father, and I’m falling in love with you.” She begins to cry harder.

“If I were a better man, I’d tell you to walk away from me, but I can’t because I’m falling in love with you too.” I tip her head back, attacking her mouth, and biting her lower lip. “You know how it feels to know that someone I hurt, the way I hurt you, could have my back? It feels really fucking good.”

“I’m sorry Joe’s a dick.”

I shake my head. “No, he’s not a dick. You’re his baby sister. I took your virginity and I was loaded and don’t remember doing it. He has every right to be mad. Joe may never forgive me and I have to be willing to accept that.” I lean down, kissing her softly on the lips. “Why don’t you head back out there? I’m going to take a shower. I stink.”

Haddie leans forward and sniffs. She then mimes throwing up, making me laugh. I grab her, tickling her sides until she squeals.

I kiss her and then guide her toward the door. “Now, get.” She jumps and squeaks when I slap her on the ass. Once she clears the door I shut it behind her. I can hear her laugh through the door.

That sound makes me smile, that’s just what I wanted. As I walk toward the bathroom a heaviness settles in my gut. What if I mess this up beyond repair?

“Fuck,” I whisper.

Haddie’s working this weekend, so baby girl and I are going to do some bonding. It’s been almost a month since I told her that I’m falling in love with her. I mean it with every fiber of my being. That little voice in my head tries to pop every now and then, but I fight like hell to push it down.

I hate that Haddie still hasn’t talked to her brother. He’s tried to reach out several times and she hasn’t responded to him at all. I’ve tried to bring it up, but she changes the subject. Dad says to let her take the time she needs, that they’ll eventually patch things up. I just hope it’s sooner rather than later.

Madison has changed so much in the past month. She’s almost six months old and is already starting to sit up on her own. She says Dada, but of course Haddie says that’s not what she’s saying, but I say she’s just jealous. Her hair is getting thicker and if we’re outside, I can see a hint of strawberry blonde and I’m grateful. I want her to be beautiful like her momma.
