Page 17 of Tripwire

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I bit back a smile. He wasn’t one for talking…or trust. It didn’t matter. Vesper asked us to help, so we would.

Finally, Cy stiffened next to us. A truck pulled up beside us. Two men got out, their eyes shifting around the area as they stepped out.

These were definitely who we were waiting on. I sat back, silently listening as Cy bargained with them. After the arrangements were made, Drew and I got to work unloading the crates from the back of their truck into ours.

They kept speaking with Cyclone. Fine by me. I had a habit of pissing people off when I spoke. I found it hilarious, and by default ended up making things worse over ninety percent of the time.

Since I didn’t know who these men were, or what the stakes of this meeting entailed, I opted to keep my mouth shut for once. We finished loading up and Cyclone and the men shook hands before they left.

“Let’s go,” Cy growled and got onto his motorcycle.

“That was easy enough,” Drew remarked as I pulled out behind Cyclone.

The dark look I shot at him was punctuated with bullets hitting the side of the truck and my window shattering. “This is your fault, you asshole,” I snarled at him as I swerved the truck, trying to throw off the aim of whoever was shooting at us. “Is it those dickheads from the dock?” I asked, wondering if they’d changed their mind.

He turned and studied whoever was following us. “No. Two SUVs. Black with dark tint.”

“Shit,” I said as I watched Cyclone turn around to look at us. He lifted a hand as though to say ‘what the fuck?’ As if I knew. I threw my hand up to say ‘wasn’t me’.

The back window shattered, sending glass raining down over us as someone in the forward SUV shot again.

Stomping on the gas, I swerved into the turn lane, cutting off another car. Its horn blared angrily as I took the turn onto the freeway ramp at high speed. I swear the front tire came off the ground.

A manic grin spread over my face while the adrenaline dump forced my heart rate up. As fucked up as it was, I was enjoying this. It’s why, despite losing Lucy, I had been smiling the whole way down. I was right on the edge; I was loving it.

Looking in my rearview, I saw the SUVs follow us. “They’re here for us. It must be Eric.”

“Payback for this morning?”

“Probably.” I darted in and out of traffic, doing my best to keep other motorists between us so they couldn’t get a direct line of fire on us. “This would’ve been easier on our bikes,” I complained.

Drew didn’t say anything, just pulled his gun out. He turned, kneeling on the seat. “Let them get closer.”

I stopped weaving and stuck to the far left lane. There were the least amount of vehicles there right now. As soon as I did, one of the SUVs got right on our ass. “Fuck, these boys know how to ride an ass,” I quipped.

Drew snorted, but it was soon drowned out by him firing at the vehicle following us. A glance in the rearview showed the SUV swerving, trying to regain control. Drew had managed to hit one of the tires. The sound of brakes squealing and metal crunching filled the air. He’d just caused a pile-up on the freeway. It was better than us getting into a full on shootout with Eric and his new crew. Despite wanting that bastard dead, we didn’t want civilians in the crossfire.

I took the exit that brought us back to the clubhouse, keeping an eye out as we went. The second SUV was nowhere in sight and the cops weren’t on our tails yet either. Pulling into the clubhouse, I parked around back and found Cyclone and Vesper waiting on us.

“What the hell was that?” Cy asked, pissed off. “You should have stuck with me, I could have taken those assholes out for you.”

On a bike he would have been more vulnerable to getting rammed or shot at, having nothing surrounding him to protect him. I’d taken the freeway to make sure he didn’t get involved. Last thing I needed was to get one of Vesper's men killed in our blood feud.

“Sorry, Cy. Next time,” I told him.

Vesper shot me a grateful look, but didn’t say anything as we started unloading.

“You’ll want to get rid of this truck,” I suggested. Both Eric’s crew and likely the cops had the description by this point.

“We’ll dispose of it tonight,” Vesper told me, settling a hand on my shoulder. “Thanks,” he said in a low voice, making sure Cyclone didn’t overhear. It wasn’t like his brother couldn’t handle himself, but we’d done our jobs. Even though we’d brought the danger to their doorstep this time, it could have just as easily been one of their enemies and Vesper knew we would have done whatever was necessary to help Cy.

With club business pretty much concluded, I jogged over to my bike. Drew shook his head at me, but didn’t say anything as he walked into the clubhouse.

I pulled out of the lot and hauled ass across the city. There wasn’t any point in calling now. Face to face was going to be the only thing that’d save me from a likely pissed off siren.



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