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I shake my head. “No, Bebe. You’ve done enough.”

She shook a talisman over me. “I have not. I went to her because Thorn told me you must not want me involved because you kept asking for Moira. It didn't sound right that you'd trust someone you know not to, especially soon after meeting them.”

“She bespelled me.”

She nodded vigorously. “She roped you when you retrieved that stone from her. She laced your contract with ageas.”

“Oh, that bitch.”

“I told you.”

I stared at her. “Would you like knowing she still has this power hidden away?”

“No. But no more contracts with known villains, Len. You know better. What were you trying to prove?”

I glanced at Thorn. “I've made a lot of mistakes. Most were just me, trying to undo the last error.”

“Nonsense.” Thorn chuckled from across the room. “You have done far better than someone without big magic to pull from should have.”

“But what now?”

Chastity smiled, lighting up her warm brown eyes. “Never thought I'd actually joyfully watch a witch burn. Yet here we are.”

“I forgot how terrifying you are when you set aside your rules, Chas. Maybe let me lead on this one, okay? I’d like you to still like yourself in the morning.”

She huffed, then bustled around the kitchen, gathering her spells as I stretched and tested my limbs.

My head still ached as if someone stepped on it, and my joints crackle a little more than usual as I limber up, but in a couple of minutes, I feel like I can race around town again. I checked my feet and found them healed and unscarred, even though I remembered the pain.

“Wait. How long was I out?”

Thorn checks his watch. “Just a couple of hours. The tourists are in fine form now, which is good. It’ll mask our approach.”

I bite my lip, tugging on the ankle socks he handed me, and then I shove my feet into my running shoes. “What about the wolves?”

“They have their own problems to deal with tonight.”

I glanced at Thorn and Chas, but neither seemed in a hurry to elaborate. “I'm not going to send them help or anything. You can tell me.”

“It’s not your worry. You just focus on that fire power learning curve and let my people handle the wolves.”

I blinked. “That's all you had to say,kitten.”

He narrowed his eyes at me but walked away without a word. I joined Chas standing at the island. “Feels like we were here just yesterday,” I cracked, watching her fill bottles with herb mixtures.

She meets my eyes, her own glassy with unshed tears. “I’m sorry you thought that.”

“Oh, Babe. No.” I scurried around the island and wrapped her in my arms. “You have nothing to apologize for. I'm so sorry that I scared you. I'll never let it happen again.”

“No,” she sniffed, pulling away. “I'll never let it happen again.“ Her words hurt as much as a physical slap. I back away, embarrassed and trying not to cry. “I am never leaving your side again, hear me?”

“Wait, what?”

“I’ve been hiding behind this so-called code of conduct, when you said it yourself. I drop it when it doesn’t suit me.”

“You don't have to hurt people to be my friend.“ I scanned the room for Thorn for support, but it appears as if he had disappeared. “Let's just get through tonight.”

She sniffed hard and wiped her nose on her sleeve. “I will never put you in harm's way alone ever again. You are the one who matters. And right now? You look like shit.”
