Page 122 of Valkyrie Renewed

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Ùna blinked and then grinned. “Yes, let’s. Come, Angel. We’ll clean you up as well.”

Angel launched off the bed. I watched Ùna skip off with my dog at her side and then passed Diego and Tyr a perplexed look. “Am I missing something?”

“I’m pretty sure they’re just teasing us,” Tyr said.

Teasing?I couldn’t understand why.

Diego’s fingers tangled with mine. “How are you feeling?”

My eyes drifted down to our entwined fingers. Realization flashed in me, and I gasped. “Your arm!”

Diego jerked back from my grabbing hands. “Astrid, what are you doing?”

“That shifter bit you.” I wasn’t doing well fighting back the panic. “I need to see the—”

Diego chuckled and pushed my hands away. “Cielo, calm down.”

“That wolf tried to rip your arm off. Don’t you tell me to calm down!”

He held up the arm in question. “I’m fine.”

I grabbed his arm and yanked him forward so I could see.

Was I rougher than needed? Yes.

Did I care? No.

I stared at his completely fine arm. Bruises marked his skin where he once had puncture marks, and there was some dried blood on his skin, but otherwise, he was in one piece, and wasn’t bleeding to death.

“See, I’m not dying.”

“Who healed you?”

“Well, that’s the thing…”

I glanced between the two men, a muscle in my neck tightening.

Tyr ran his hand through his hair. “He healed on his own.”

I blinked. “What?”

Neither of them elaborated. They didn’t need to. That was a simple concept to grasp. Diego self-healed. “Like… how immortals heal?”

They both nodded.

I looked at Diego’s arm again. That’s when I noticed something strange. Small patches of black and silver littered his arm. “Um… are those scales?”

Diego rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah. We haven’t gotten around to talking about this, since you were the main priority.”

“Well, I’m fine now. Why the hell do you have scales on your arm? What the fuck is going on?”

He brushed his fingers along my cheek. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

I huffed. “Stop trying to make this about me. Your situation is more important, right, Tyr?”

He shrugged. “I’m not sure what we can discuss. Seems like, somehow, Diego has an immortal soul now.”

“But how? It doesn’t make sense. And why are you acting like it’s the most normal thing in the world?”
