Page 48 of Let Me

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That’s the last thought I remember as I fall asleep surrounded by my three doms that let me into their lives and hearts. I get to live my happily ever after I didn’t know I wanted.


The next week we go to Cammy’s hearing and I’m a nervous wreck. I don’t want to see her again, but the others think it will provide me closure with what happened.

We go into the courtroom and take our seats on the left middle of the benches. There are many other people sitting back where we are so it should be easy to blend in and not be picked out from the crowd by Cammy.

The bailiff projects loudly, “All rise for the honorable Judge Mathews!”

We all get to our feet and the judge enters from his chambers and takes his seat at the head of the courtroom.

“You may be seated.” His deep voice is easy to hear in the otherwise quiet hall. The bailiff hands the judge the first file case and he looks it over before nodding to the bailiff to bring in the defendant.

He goes over to a second door and opens it, calling for Cammy. At least I won’t have to wait long to know I’ll get justice.

The judge hears Cammy’s case and her plea of temporary insanity. I believe she’s crazy for sure, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to tell my side and how her actions impacted me.

My lawyer stands and calls me to the stand, “ I call Elizabeth Bennet to the stand. I think it would help to hear her testimony and just how the defendant’s actions have affected her.”

The judge nods and I go up to be sworn in and give my account of my life now.

“How has Camile’s attack impacted your life?” my attorney asks me.

“Well, for an entire week I wasn’t able to talk per my doctor’s recommendation, which was taxing to try and communicate with others. That was short-term. The long-term psychological damage she’s caused is much worse in my everyday life. I have PTSD that I’m seeking counseling for and I struggle at times with things I previously enjoyed.” I’m sure to keep my voice soft, but I can’t keep the waiver from it when I remember her hands wrapped around my neck.

“I’m sorry you’re dealing with these results of your attack. Thank you for your testimony.” My lawyer dismisses me.

“We have no questions for this woman,” Cammy’s lawyer says, much to my surprise.

I lock eyes with her and I know this is a small gesture of apology for her actions.

“Miss Shade, it is this court’s decision to sentence you to six months in a psychiatric facility and mandatory counseling for one year after.” The judge slams the gavel down. “Case closed.”

And in only a few moments it’s all over with her fate sealed.

“Miss Shade, I’m sentencing you to eighteen months of probation with weekly check-ins along with weekly therapy accompanied by random UA’s as either your probation officer or therapist see fit.” He slams his gavel down on the wood top in front of himself and hands the file over to the bailiff that takes it and leads Cammy back out through the door she came out of.

While it’s not what I expected, I hope she gets the help she needs from the therapy.

“Come on, pet,” Cade whispers in my ear, holding my elbow to guide me out.

We all clamber into Alaric’s new SUV and he takes us in the direction of Embrace. Good, a nice scene is exactly what I need right now.

I smile knowing we’re going to have a beautiful life.


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