Page 19 of Play With Fire

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“I need your help.” My brother’s brows fall, and a look of suspicion overtakes his features.

“What kind of help?” I glance back toward the house just as the front door opens and more of his men step out onto the porch. I’m not exactly sure how to go about this. Never in my life did I think I would need help like this from my brother.

I gesture absently to the house and his team, but I keep my eyes locked on his. “Dark Matter Security help.”



I holdin my heavy breath, trying not to let my irritation show. Anya should have told me she was leaving the office, she knows that’s what she’s supposed to do. When the alarm notified us that someone was driving onto our property, we figured it was just going to be some random person driving through. It happens all the time, since part of the DMS property is a long stretch of sideroad and we don’t have it blocked off. But when we pulled up one of the cameras and Anya’s car came into view, my entire body became rigid with anger. Within seconds, Alec’s phone rang and Willow hurried and told him that Anya was on her way. She didn’t tell him all the details because she said she didn’t know them all. That put us all even more on alert.

Now we’re in the meeting room listening to Anya relay what’s going on. I’m in my usual spot, standing against the wall. It’s normal for me to be here, and right now, it’s necessary. If I get too close to her, I’m not sure I’ll be able to hold back. I’m so fucking irritated with her right now for leaving her office without having me there to guarantee it’s safe.

“Why the fuck should we help this guy, Anya?” Alec’s not being cruel, he’s being straightforward. Anya is asking us to help one of her clients. His sister or not, we vet everyone we help.

“Because he needs it, Alec. His kids were kidnapped.”

“By their mother.”

“Who’s unhinged!”

“You don’t actually know that.”

If I wasn’t so fucking pissed off right now, I might find this entertaining. Watching the two of them go head-to-head. Both so fucking stubborn and set in their ways. Alec is right, challenging his sister like this. We’re not just going to blindly help some guy we don’t actually know. Hell, he’s not even the one coming to us. Which means he’s most likely not involved or even aware of our world and the type of shit that goes down outside his own little bubble. That’s a red fucking flag for us, because that makes the chances of it all blowing up in our faces even bigger.

“He’s a good guy, Alec.” Her voice is softer now, almost gentle. “He’s just a guy who loves his kids and wants to do right by them. He thought he was in a good marriage until that was pulled out from under him. His kids are all he has.”

Alec lets out a long sigh and tears his hat from his head. He shoves his hand through his hair before slamming the hat back into place. He opens his mouth to say something but is cut off when Anya’s phone starts ringing.

“It’s his wife's lawyer.”

“Put it on speaker.” She doesn’t hesitate to follow his orders, answering the phone on speaker and setting it down on the table in front of her.

“Lars,” her commanding lawyer voice is fully in place, and it’s sexy as hell. “Did you talk some sense into your client yet?”

An unsteady huff comes from the other end of the phone. “I had nothing to do with it, Anya!”

“Then where is she?”

“I- I don’t know. I called her and she said she would just take care of it since I couldn’t get the case closed.” He sounds frustrated and angry. Anya sits up a little straighter at his words.

“And what exactly does that mean?”

“I don’t know. They’re gone. They left with the kids, but I don’t know where they took them.”

“Did you call the police?” The fucker actually snorts as if Anya just suggested he jump off a bridge to see if he can fly.

“It’s not my problem anymore. I fired her as a client.”

Anya closes her eyes for a moment, before opening them and shaking her head. “You’re a real stand-up guy, Lars.” She doesn’t say anything else before hanging up the phone. Instead of addressing us, she picks her phone back up and dials another number.

“Noah? Are the police there?” She doesn’t have the phone on speaker this time, so I can’t hear the conversation from the other end. But judging by the anger painting her face, whatever is being said isn’t good.

“Just do what the police tell you to do, Noah. I know it’s hard and it’s not going to get any easier, but they really do know what’s best.” More quiet as she listens to him say something. Though I can’t hear his words, the way his tone of voice is coming through the phone, I know he’s frantic.

Tanner sits down next to Anya and quietly whispers one word, “Grant.”

Anya sits up straighter, and I can’t help but feel a swell of pride over how quickly she catches on. She may not be a part of this world, but she fits in. “Noah, is there an officer there named Mason Grant?” A few seconds later she speaks again. “I grew up with him back in Boston, he’s a good guy. Will you put him on the phone, please?” Without another word, she passes the phone to Tanner.

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