Page 19 of A Twist of Poison

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“Told you, brother,” Texas’ voice piped up from behind me, sounding all sorts of pleased with himself.

“No idea what you’re talking about,” I lied. “Allow me to leave. Your grab and scare tactics are wasted on me. Find somebody else to bother, because I don’t care to be around any of you.” Half a lie.

“If you lie to yourself, who can you trust?” Hollis asked with curiosity while also calling me out. His finger ran subtly down my cheek with a gentleness I didn’t expect from him.

“Not a single person.”

“Not even yourself?” he countered.

I shook my head. “No.” Why would I fully trust myself when I separated truth from reality so easily?

A large hand slid down the side of my body. “I wonder how quickly you’ll shatter beneath my fingers.”Oh hell, those words.

I’d identified Texas on my back left. His hands roamed over the side of my body with no sign of stopping. This situation had just notched up one hundred degrees and my willpower to walk away from this was practically non-existent. I didn’t really care for the whys and hows.

“You’re a man whore, with a constant craving for pussy,” I taunted, stating facts and growing sensitive to his touch. “Mine’s not on the menu.”

“Little liar.” His hand shifted to the button on my jeans, undoing it one handed and zipping down my fly.Oh, shit.

Why wasn’t I putting a stop to this?Because it feels so goddamn good.They were obviously trying to make a point here, but I was totally missing it.

“We’ve established she’s a natural storyteller,” Hollis mocked, still as a statue, acting unfazed but not moving away.

“All grown up,” Preston chimed in hoarsely, his breath fluttering over my right ear with his body pressed against my side so I could feel how this was affecting him. I fisted my hands to stop myself from reaching behind me for him.

Something inside me paused. Should I be doing this?Probably not. But…

Texas’ hand ventured downwards straight underneath my jeans and panties as Preston gripped my hip to hold me steady in scary synchronisation to Texas’ movements. Did they do this often? Did I care right now?Not a bit.

This was inevitable. The four of us were bound to crash and burn at some point, and I was willing to burn for a few moments.

My back arched as Texas plunged two fingers straight into me with no warm up. I was soaked, which was surprising, but there was a bite of pain from the sudden stretch. I bit my lower lip to keep the moan of pleasure in as I ground down without thought onto his fingers, my body acting on instinct.

“That’s it,” he rasped, breathing heavily. His other hand lowered to my ass, squeezing firmly enough to leave a mark, as another hand—that wasn’t his—left the other side of my hip sliding down.

Preston groaned. “She’s bare too.” As his fingers found my clit and circled slowly, my whole body bucked as he upped his speed, matching the pace of fingers sliding in and out of me at a hurried speed.

Hollis stepped back to view the act, seeming completely unaffected and outwardly waiting for us to finish. Well, me technically.

My chest heaved in desire, my pulse a pounding rhythm as a cry of delight escaped and I leaned back into the two bodies, closing my eyes. My head spun at the thought of all three being here, and around me. The sound of my wetness echoed in the quiet room as I bathed in the pleasure they’d created.

Preston rolled my clit between his fingers before he pinched roughly. My pussy tightened around Texas’ fingers, and an intense molten hot lava orgasm ripped through me at lightning speed and my hands grabbed their moving forearms digging my nails in for added support. They kept going and I heard Texas let out a choked sound as I continued to clench round those thick fingers, momentarily locking up my entire body.

“Sensitive little thing, aren’t you?” Preston crooned as he circled my clit, prolonging my climax. Texas dragged his fingers out slowly and I felt the loss on a deeper level than just physical.

I released both their forearms, gathering the strength to stand on my own as they both withdrew and strolled over to stand shoulder to shoulder with Hollis. All three glared at me with various degrees of emotions glittering their faces that I could just about make out in the still darkened room. I was positive the same emotions were reciprocated on my face.

My jaw slackened as Texas placed his fingers—the same fingers that were inside me—into his mouth, licking them clean before removing them with a grin sharp as the edge of a knife. “Not bad for a warmup taster snack, before I venture to find my main blonde course.”

He meant Barbie. So that wasn’t your dick rubbing up against my side, straining to jump out of your jeans, no? Salty bitch.

I hardened my gaze as the aftereffects of my orgasm swiftly washed away, and I hid the flinch from his comment. My cheeks heated and I was thankful no lights were turned on. I wasn’t feeling hurt, I was raging. He’d successfully managed to cause my mood to swing from one side of the spectrum to the other in a much too close territory. That was dangerous for him.Shouldn’t there be a rule to never mess with a woman in the afterglow of an orgasm, or they’ll rein down hell on you?

“What—and I can’t stress this enough—the fuck!” I ranted. My eyes darted to the doorway, a sliver of brightness lit the exit. I brought my gaze back to his noticing he was really in his full-on Texas mode, and taking his issues out on me. Attempting to rub it in my face about his personal Barbie doll, to what? Make me jealous?

I pictured Morgan Freeman’s narration for this scene: ‘But she was fully aware of what the fuck. And could recognise the impending self-loathing thoughts followed by regret of her actions and amazement of a fantasy played out in real life, topped off with drunken behaviour delivered in a bow later this evening to wash away all the mixed feelings.’

“Three out of ten, you need to work on your technique. Better luck finding the G-spot during your main course,” I taunted, knowing full well it would piss him off but also knowing he couldn’t have hit my spot at the angle his body and fingers were placed. I zipped my jeans.
