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The thought of being intimate with him disgusted me. The only way I was going to get through it was to put up emotional walls like I'd never done before. I had to quit feeling anything and focus on surviving. Unfortunately, I had no idea how I was going to do that.

With all the horrible things that I knew was coming the next day, I feared that I would spend my entire night tossing and turning with nightmares or be unable to fall asleep at all, but my body had been worn out. Between the torture, lack of food and sleep, being locked up in that tiny kennel or stretched out with the shackles as I dangled from the ceiling, my body welcomed a dreamless sleep.

"SignoraMonticelli? Breakfast." The young woman's voice stirred me from my sleep, and I sat up with a jolt, looking around to realize where I was.

I looked at her with confusion as I rub the sleep from my eyes. "I'm sorry. What?"

"SignoreRomano sent me up with breakfast and coffee. He requests that you are well fed and pampered today while he is busy making the final wedding arrangements."

I sat up and she placed the tray of food over my lap. “Thank you. Did he say what time the wedding is taking place tonight?” I tried to keep my voice casual, but the woman cast me a worried glance anyway.

“Seven-thirty.” She kept busy and avoided meeting my eye as she poured coffee into my cup.

“Thank you. For breakfast and the information.” I spoke kindly to her because if her body language was any indication, she was not supportive of Romano's plans. She seemed just as trapped there as I was.

“You're welcome,SignoraMonticelli.”

“Call me Mia, please. Can I ask your name?”

She looked a bit uncomfortable as she glanced up at me before turning her eyes back down toward the floor. "Elena."

"It's nice to meet you Elena, even though the circumstances might not be ideal." I smiled sheepishly at her, hoping that she would see that I wasn't a threat. "How long have you worked forSignoreRomano?"

"Two years." She looked uncomfortable at my questions, but I found myself pulled toward her and wanted to know more.

"Is he a good boss to work for?"

Her eyes widened and her words rushed out. “Oh, yes. He is a wonderful boss. I would not wish to work for anyone else. He is fair and kind to his employees.” Her words sounded scripted.

“I see. That's very fortunate for you then I guess. How did you come to start working for him?”

“Excuse me,Signora, but I should get back downstairs to help with preparations for the wedding this evening.”

“Of course. I wouldn't want to get you in any trouble.” I was disappointed that I wasn't able to get any more information from her, but I suspected that she had most likely been taken and was not just an employee in Andrea’s home.

Elena scurried out like a scared little mouse that had been exposed from the shadows for too long.

Being alone again brought my thoughts back to the wedding and what would be happening after. I had to do whatever it took to save my life and I had to find a way to be okay with that.

I ate my breakfast and drank my coffee as I stared out the third story window with no means of escape. The night before, I had opened my window and tried tugging at the ornate iron bars, but they were strong and unyielding.

Time dragged on with nothing to do. I looked around, trying to find something to help aid in my escape or even just to pass the time, but the room was completely void from anything other than a couple of changes of clothing and some toiletries.

I hated the thought of the wedding and knew that time was running out for me to get away but there was also nothing I could do in a locked room. Time seemed to move too slowly and too fast all at once.

Before I knew it, the older maid from the night before came into my room to help me prepare myself for the wedding. I moved through the motions, but I was numb, only doing what was asked of me without feelings or emotion.

She excused herself for a moment and came back with a long garment bag that she draped over the bed. "Shall I open this for you?"

"No. I'll get dressed on my own. Thank you."

I waited until she left the room before slowly approaching the bag like it was a snake ready to strike. It might as well have been, because once I put it on, my life would be over.

I held my breath.You're doing what you have to do to survive and to ensure that no innocents drown in the wake.

I blew out my breath and unzipped the bag. I was surprised by the choice of dress Andrea had selected for me. It was not what I would have expected from him at all. Extremely traditional with an A-line hem, lots of lace, and tulle. It wasn't what I would have picked out for myself but after the monstrosity that Gio had given me, I could honestly say that it wasn't the ugliest wedding dress I'd ever owned.

I slipped off my robe and stepped into the dress, pulling it over my hips and shoulders. I had to work on the zipper to get it up on my own, but it was better than having someone else do it and I was grateful for the moment alone.
