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I looked in the mirror and started to sob uncontrollably, cupping my hands over my face, and sliding down to the floor.

I don't want this. This isn't how things were supposed to turn out.

There was a firm knock on the bedroom door that made me jump.

"SignoreRomano has sent me to retrieve you. He says that it is time." I realized the voice as Pietro and tensed.

I pulled myself off of the floor and swiped the last remaining tears from my face.

"You can do this. Youhaveto do this," I whispered to myself.

"Signora," Pietro snapped impatiently.

"I'm coming." I opened the door with a jerk and looked up at the burly man who looked utterly ridiculous in his ill-fitting tux. "Let's get this over with."

"SignoreRomano ordered that I give you his gift before escorting you down. He wants you to wear it for the ceremony." He held out a small, elongated box for me to open.

I lifted the lid of the box and pulled out the inch wide diamond necklace.

"It's a choker." I pulled it out of the box and examined the obviously expensive piece of jewelry completely covered in small diamonds. I ran my fingers along the length and froze at the little padlock attached to the clasp. "It's a glorified collar."

"SignoreRomano wants there to be no mistaking who you belong to."

"I will not wear this. I may be marrying him, but I belong to no one. This is insulting." I tossed the diamond strand to the floor and stormed down the hall.

"Signoreisn't going to be happy that you aren't wearing his gift."

"Then I guess he won't be happy. Frankly, I don't care "

"You will."

I turned around at the bottom of the stairs to look back at him. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"You will quickly learn that your life will be much easier if you can makeSignorehappy. He's much harder to get along with when you aren't agreeable."

The music struck up, interrupting my retort and Pietro continued. "It's time."

My entire body began to shake as two guards opened the French doors that lead to the courtyard.

I can't do this. I can't.

My stomach twisted into knots and my knees buckled but Pietro grabbed hold of my arm before I could fall and forced me forward.

He walked me down the aisle where only a couple dozen people stood watching. I was still shaking when I reached Andrea and Pietro passed me over to him.

Andrea forced a smile and pulled me into a hug. "You're not wearing my gift," he ground out through clenched teeth.

"I may be becoming your wife, but I am nobody's slave." I hissed in his ear, and he forced a smile for his guests as he pulled away.

"You will pay for your disobedience tonight," he whispered, and a sick feeling gripped my stomach and twisted.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony..." the priest continued but my mind began reeling as another wave of panic set in. I couldn't breathe and my whole world began to spin.

Andrea squeezed my hand so hard it hurt, and I realized that everyone was waiting for me to say something.

“I'm sorry what?”

“Please repeat after me,” the priest repeated. “I, Maria Monticelli, take Andrea Romano to be my lawfully wedded husband..."
