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I reluctantly repeated the words.

"To cherish, honor, and obey..."

I glanced curiously at Andrea, and he grinned a wicked grin. “I thought you would appreciate me removing love from your requirements.”

I ground my teeth together, hesitating for a moment before opening my mouth to force the bitter words from my lips, but just before any sound was able to come out, I was interrupted by a loud crash as back doors violently burst open..


There was an explosionof gunfire from intruding men who flowed out of the house with what I could only describe as military precision as they flooded into the courtyard. Surprised by the sudden invasion, Andrea's men were slower to react, pulling their guns and beginning to shoot only after half a dozen of their men had dropped.

I scanned my surroundings for a place to run, bolting toward a patch of ornamental trees to the far right of the yard before Andrea had a chance to stop me.

Bullets exploded as they hit dirt and trees all around us, a few causing their intended targets to stumble backward before falling to the ground.

I had no sympathy for Andrea and the evil men who worked for him, but I didn't trust the mystery intruders either.

I was almost to the trees when I came face to face with one of the attacking men. I gasped and flinched in anticipation for what he might do but instead of aiming his gun at me, he paused long enough for me to run past him before continuing on his way.

Whoever the men were, it wasn't their plan to hurt me.

I hurried behind a cluster of trees and ducked down, not risking peeking out to keep an eye on the fighting. It wasn't long before one of Andrea's men caught me by the arm from behind.

"There you are.SignoreRomano will want to make sure you don't slip away in the chaos. Come on."

He tugged my arm hard, causing me to lose my footing and I stumbled, breaking his grip on me as my knee hit the hard dirt.

There was a loud blast. Closer than before and Andrea's man fell to the ground with an already growing bloodstain near the center of his chest.

I screamed and ducked but no bullet came for me. The man wasn't moving, and the shooter moved on, so I ran over to Andrea’s man's body and grabbed his discarded gun mere feet from where he’d fallen.

Maybe this is my chance, the answer to my prayers.

I couldn't let the opportunity pass. I glanced around the yard that had erupted into an all-out war zone. No one seemed to be paying much attention to me. I held the gun tight and darted for the large iron gate that led outside of the courtyard and hopefully to somewhere I could escape from.

One of Andrea's men stopped in my way, and I froze.
