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“I've learned that once you set your mind to something, I might as well help or get out of your way. Besides, it was the right thing to do.” I smiled affectionately, wrapping my arm around her shoulders and squeezing her gently to my side.

Her frame felt smaller than the last time I held her in Italy. She's lost weight since being in Corsica. Her eyes were shadowed and her expression even when she was laughing, was weaker. It was something that we would have to talk about sooner or later, but every time I brought it up Mia dismissed it.

She didn't want to talk about it, and I would let her wait, for the time, without pushing. But only because I needed her to hold it together until we were out of Corsica and safely back at our home where I was in control. While we were in a different country on a different crime family's turf, I needed to focus on keeping her safe and getting her out. Once we were home she could fall apart because I would be there to put her back together again.

“You seem quieter than usual.” Mia spoke softly so that only I could hear her. “Is everything all right?”

“Everything's fine or at least it will be once we get out of this place for good.”

“It seems like there's a lot on your mind.”

“I'm just worried about you. I know you've been through hell, and I probably don't even know the half of it.”

"Teo..." Mia warned.

“I know you don't want to talk about your time with Andrea and I get it. For now, hold on to those secrets while we focus on getting you out of here but once we're home you're going to have to talk to me about it. I need to know what you went through, and you need to be able to tell someone if you're ever going to be able to heal from it. Promise me when we're home that you'll talk to me.”

“Okay. I promise.”

As we made our way out of the main city and further North toward the port, we were able to relax a little more, knowing that the chance of someone following us that far out was slim.

"It should only take us about an hour to get from Linguizzetta to Bastia. The port is busy so it should be easy enough to blend in as we make our way to the ferry where we will be boarding using our fake IDs."

"Fake IDs? How did you get those?"

"I have a guy who can falsify just about anything. I had him do a rush order before we left Italy and brought them with me. I had hoped to find a way to get you home that didn't include being smuggled in a cargo hold."

"The ferry does sound better."

"Good. You will be traveling as Genevieve Odette Beaumont, French citizen, married to Julian Lewis Beaumont."

"What about the rest of the men?"

"Unfortunately, fake IDs are a hot commodity and there just wasn’t enough time to make one for all of them. They will have to sneak into the luggage compartment and wait out the six-hour trip there."

"I feel bad for them being stuck down in cargo."

"Don't worry, we'll be fine," Enzo assured Mia.

"So, are you two really going to tie the knot this time?” Luca said from the driver's seat as he glanced at us in the rearview mirror.

“That's the plan,” I said happily.

“Good. Because I already got dressed up in a tux once for you guys. I've about reached my quota.”

“You wear a suit all the time,” Mia chimed in.

“A suit and a tux are two very different things if you ask me.” Luca smiled at her through the mirror. “Tuxes just feel stuffy to me.”

“But they're so sexy,” Mia said teasingly.

“Well in that case,” Luca smirked in the mirror and glanced back at her. “Maybe I'll have to reconsider wearing one more often.”

“Watch it now,” I warned with a chuckle.

“Oh, I'm not going to steal your girl. Don't worry. I just mean that maybe if I'm wearing a tux I might attract a girl like her.”

I quirked an eyebrow and used a challenging tone. “As if you could steal her away.”
