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After breakfast, Miaand I sat down to talk to Abigail about the plan to get her and Maria out of Corsica.

"Why do we have to go with the other men? I trust Mia. I don't know your men."

"They are all honorable. I trust them completely. I assure you that they will get you somewhere safe per my instructions."

"But why do we have to split up?"

"There isn't enough room on either one of the ships for all of us, so we have to divide our group. We are sending you on the most direct route to get you and Maria out the fastest."

Mia gave Abigail a reassuring smile and squeezed her forearm. "I promise, this is the safest way."

Abigail sighed. "Alright. Thank you for your help."

"Of course."

"Now, we need to hurry if we are going to make the drive before the ship departs. Go grab your things and a few snacks from the kitchen as well. It will be a few hours journey but then you will both be safe." I stood and the three of them followed before hurrying to their rooms.

I followed Mia upstairs to help her gather our things but paused when an incoming message chimed on my phone.

+39 06 373 8001: I've booked a train to Nice. Please don't do anything until we speak.

Guilt gripped my gut as I typed out a reply.

Matteo: I'll text you when we arrive.

+39 06 373 8001: Thank you.

"Everything okay?" Mia asked from the top of the stairs, and I tensed.

"Everything's fine." I slipped my phone back in my pocket before smiling and hurrying up the steps to join her.

After some discussion with Nic and Alessandro, I decided that the best course of action was for us to divide our group into thirds, sending one group East with Abigail and Maria to sail on a ship bound for Tuscany. The second group would go south toSardegnabefore traveling to the mainland. Andrea's allies would be looking for Mia and they wouldn't expect us to take a ship to Nice when there were so many options to go directly to Italy.

After we packed and said our goodbyes to Abigail and Maria, they accompanied the group of my men going to the Eastern port not far from where we were.

I loaded our supplies and clothes into the back of the SUV and helped Mia climb into the back seat before taking the spot beside her. Luca and Enzo took the front, and we pulled out of the driveway.

There was tension in the car as we all kept our eyes open for anyone that might be following us. I had wished that we could have left out the same day that we had taken down Andrea and his men, before word could have spread, but I was glad that I had helped Abigail and her daughter.

"What are you looking for? Mia asked as I kept my head swiveling from side to side.

“Trying to make sure that we don't have a tail.”

“You think someone could be following us?”

“Not right now. But Andrea could have allies that might try to retaliate. I'm sure word has already begun to spread about what went down yesterday.”

“I'm sorry. I know that staying the extra day to help Abigail and Maria has complicated things a bit, but I really appreciate you supporting me with wanting to help them.”
