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"You need to see the beadwork and lace on the back. It's very elegant," Vittoria said.

Courtney rushed to hand me a smaller mirror. I scooped my hair and brushed it over one shoulder as I looked into the small mirror to see the larger mirror's reflection.

There was a collective gasp from all four of us. All the breath rushed from me, and I felt like the floor was opening up to swallow me whole. The air was suddenly too thick to breathe, like a dense smog had settled into the room.

The middle of the dress had a large cut out, exposing angry black, blue, and green bruises and half-healed lash marks covering my back.

Tears burned my eyes and I felt like I might throw up.

Before I could say anything, Mira and Vittoria were by my side, steadying me, while Courtney took the mirror from my trembling hands.

"It's okay," Vittoria said in a rush. "I can fix it."

"How?" My voice quivered. "Makeup isn't going to cover that, not completely."

"Mia, are you sure that you should be getting married so soon after everything that's happened? I'm sure if you just explain to Teo..." Mira asked gently, taking my hands in hers and meeting my eye.

"No. Andrea has already taken so much from us. I won't let him take another moment." I fought back tears.

"We can fix this. Just hear me out." Vittoria paused before continuing. "We can use makeup to at least fade it and I brought some extra fabric. I can use the same lace to cover the back so it will hide the bruises while adding an elegant detail.”

“Vittoria, thank you. Thank you so much.” I hugged her, tears welling up in my eyes as Mira and Courtney joined us in a group hug.

A sudden knock on the door put our embrace to a stop and Vittoria turned to answer.

“Who is it?”

“It’s me. I need to see Mia.” Teo’s voice came through the door, and I tensed.

“Wait, you can’t come in. She’s trying on her wedding dress,” Vittoria called through the door before turning to shoo me off toward the bedroom. “Go change.”

I hurried into the bedroom and changed back into my regular clothes before quickly returning to the main room.

"Are you ready for the wedding?" I could hear Courtney ask Teo as I neared the room.

"Of course." He didn't sound as excited as I expected.

"Vittoria made Mia an amazing dress. Just wait until you see it. It's gorgeous and Mia looks amazing in it."

"I'm sure Mia will look great." Teo said flatly, almost sounding bored and I had to admit that it hurt. I thought he would at least be a little excited. "Mira, can I speak with you for a moment, outside?"

"Of course."

I heard the door open and shut before I walked into the room. "Where'd Teo run off to?"

"He just stepped outside with Mira. Must be some family business," Vittoria said with a shrug.

"Oh, okay. I want to thank you again for the dress. It is gorgeous."

"I'm happy you like it. I'll make the alterations after dinner so you can try it on again tomorrow."

Teo walked back into the room with Mia and a flash of something that looked like guilt crossed his face before he quickly replaced it with a smile.

"Ciao, bellissima."

I wasn't sure what was going on, but I pushed it from my mind and focused on my handsome fiancé standing in front of me. "Ciao, Teo. What a wonderful surprise. I wasn't sure what time you'd be finished with your errands. But I'm glad that you are already back."

"Unfortunately, I can't stay. I only stopped by to let you know that my errands are going to take longer than expected. So, I may not be able to make it back for dinner."
