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“Later? Like when? On our honeymoon?” My voice rose with anger. “When were you going to tell me that you might be a father?”

“I’m not the father.”

“Yes, you are. I don’t care what that stupid test says. This is your child that I’m carrying. Your child that I’m struggling to support.”

“You want money? Is that what this is all about? Fine. I’ll give you a hundred thousand euros if it will get you to go away.”

“You’d really pay me off so that you didn’t have to be a part of your child’s life?”

“That baby is not mine,” Teo roared.

“Stop. All this cannot be healthy for the baby.” I stepped forward to try to defuse the situation.

“Obviously your fiancée cares more about your child than you do. And she’s right. None of this is healthy for the baby, our baby. I have to go. I thought you were a good man, but you are not the man I thought you were when we first met.”

The woman stormed back to her car, got inside and slammed the door shut.

“Good, finally.” Teo said angrily as he turned back to the car.

“Teo, you aren’t really going to let her go like that are you? She’s so upset. She shouldn’t be driving.”

“She needs to go and leave us alone. Besides, we’re going to be late for the rehearsal.” As he said the words, the woman pulled out of the parking lot.

“Rehearsal? How can you expect us to just go about our rehearsal like nothing happened when I just found out that you may or may not be a father?”

Teo turned harshly to face me. “I’m not the father. That baby’s not mine. Who knows how many men she fucked besides me, if we even did. I’m not convinced that I slept with her. Besides, I always use protection.”

“Not always.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“That night, at the hotel five years ago. We were both so caught up in the moment...”

“You’re not didn’t...?”

“No. I didn’t but that doesn’t mean that I didn’t have to worry about it for the few weeks after that, on top of worrying about whether or not you were alive or if I’d ever see you again. So, if you can’t tell me that you are one hundred percent sure you didn’t sleep with her, then you can’t tell me that there’s not a chance that she’s carrying your child.”

“I’m not having this conversation out here in the middle of the parking lot. We’re going to be late. Let’s go.”

He placed his hand on the small of my back to usher me back to my side of the car, but I jerked away. “No. I need answers.”

“Mia, get in the fucking car and let’s go.”

Teo grabbed me by my upper arm and dragged me around to the passenger side of the car. I tried to pull away as he opened the door and shoved me inside, but it was no use. I didn’t have a good reason not to just get in the car. I could get just as many answers out of him when we weren’t in a parking lot where he was worried about being overheard, so I stayed put as he hurried to his side of the car and climbed in.

We were on the road for at least fifteen minutes before Teo broke the tense silence.

“I’m sorry,” he blurted out, barely glancing my way before returning his eyes to the road.

“For which part? For the picture? For letting me find out about the baby this way instead of just being honest with me and telling me the minute you found out?”

A sickening feeling knotted in my stomach. I wanted to know what it was that he was sorry for but at the same time, I feared that, no matter how badly I wanted to forgive him, it would be something that would change our lives forever.

I swallowed around the lump in my throat and took a nervous breath. “Tell me the truth.”

“I lied to you when I said that there was nothing going on.”

“Lied how?”
