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I escorted Mia down the short path when Mira ran toward us from the direction of the overlook.

"Teo, Mia, hang on a second," she panted, sounding slightly out of breath.

"What's wrong?" I could hear the concern in Mira’s voice.

"Before you go any further, just know, we will fix it."

"Mira. What is it?" Mia asked firmly.

"Something happened to the location, but we are working on getting someone here to fix it and if they can't, we will find another spot."

"Another..." Mia started before pushing past Mira and practically running the rest of the way.

"Fuck," I breathed out as I took in the splintered wood beams that had once made up the wedding arch, scattered on the ground alongside flower petals and crushed bouquets. Broken wooden chairs lay in shambles on either side of what was supposed to be the aisle and there were even spray-painted obscenities on the large rocks and trees nearby.

Whoever had vandalized the cliff had spared nothing.

I squeezed Mia’s hand and glanced down at her. She was trying to be strong, but her eyes glistened with unshed tears and my jaw clenched.

I spotted my father standing farther in the mess talking with Luca, Alessandro, and Dario and I hurried over to them.

“What do we know?”

“Not much,” my father said solemnly.

“Enzo’s gone to talk to the police to see if he can find out anything.”

“I doubt they’re going to be much use. Something tells me that this wasn’t just some random vandals.”

“You think it was someone targeting you?”

“I think we have a lot of enemies and all of them have a reason to not want Mia and I to get married.”

“I don’t think you’re far off with that,” Luca added. “Come look.” He motioned for me to follow him over to one of the large rocks and nodded down at it. “Look, here on the back side of it.”

“A Corsican tag. But this feels too juvenile for the Corsicans,” I said thoughtfully.

“Who are you thinking?”

“I’m not sure yet. Someone young, for sure, with a grudge.”

“That could be a lot of people.”

“But I think I may have an idea of one potential suspect.”


“Didn’t Andrea have a brother?”

“Two actually,” my father added as he joined us. “The oldest abdicated as underboss. He didn’t want the job, so Andrea was next in line, but he also has a younger brother.”

“Andrea’s death could have pushed him to lash out.”

“They’re hoping to postpone the wedding long enough to buy time to stop it. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were the ones behind the picture someone sent to Mia.”

“What picture?”

“Some woman tried to solicit me last night and Mia mysteriously got a text with a photo of the two of us. It looked bad.”
