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“Teo? What's going on? What are you doing here?"

"Rocco spotted someone suspicious and Tomas is helping him track them down. I'm here to make sure that you're safe.”

“I'm fine. I didn't even know there was anything going on. Come in.”

Mia stepped aside, and I hurried inside, locking the door behind us. I checked the windows and the back door that led out to her balcony, but everything was secure.

"Teo? Teo," Mia called out to me as I cleared one room at a time. “I'm fine. No one's here.”

I finally stopped and looked at her, pulling her to me, and holding her tight against my chest, just breathing in her scent and assuring myself that she was safe.

“I just need you to be safe.” I let out of breath and my shoulders sagged in relief and exhaustion.

“I am safe,” Mia assured me.

“I don't just mean right now. I mean in general. I worry about you all the time. I worry that something might happen to you, that you might be taken away from me when I finally found you again—when things finally worked out so that we could be together. I'm still constantly worried that something or someone is going to tear you out of my arms and out of my life. You filled a hole in my heart that I didn't know was there but now that I know what it's like to have you, there's no way I could live without you, Mia.

"I love you too.” Mia smiled softly and nuzzled her cheek against my chest as I held her tight. “But I'm fine now. I'm safe and I am yours—always. Tomorrow is just a formality. A wonderful formality that I'm looking forward to but a formality nonetheless, because I’m already yours, heart and soul.”

“And body.” I smirked down at her with a mischievous grin, and she smiled, that familiar blush coloring her cheeks.

"And body," she confirmed.

I pulled her a little closer and kissed her lips. Her body melted into mine and I deepened the kiss.

When Mia’s soft moan vibrated against my lips, I lost all control. I tangled my fingers into her hair as the kiss turned desperate and wild.

I walked Mia backward, stumbling through the suite without ever breaking the kiss until we made it into the bedroom. The back of Mia’s legs hit the edge of the mattress and she fell back onto the plush bed. I stood there for a moment, allowing myself to drink her in before pouncing.

I practically tore Mia’s clothes from her body before removing mine as well. I needed to feel her warm, soft skin against mine. I trailed desperate kisses down her body, making her moan and writhe under me but I couldn’t keep it up for long. I needed her more than I needed to breathe.

I plunged inside of her in one smooth thrust and sunk all the way to the hilt. She was so ready for me, it was like gliding over silk as I pulled out and dove back in again. I slipped my arms under her, cupping my hands on her shoulders to pull her down as I thrust harder, needing to get deeper.

Mia moaned in pleasure, and I swallowed her cries with each claiming kiss until both of us came apart, jolting and jerking as we rode the waves of ecstasy. I collapsed beside Mia, pulling her naked body tight against me and kissed her gently.

I held Mia in my arms until she drifted off to sleep. The idea of leaving that bed was almost unbearable. It took every bit of willpower I had to slide out from under the sheet, get dressed, and walk out the door. But Mia was traditional, and I knew that it would mean a lot to her to at least maintain some traditions for our wedding. I jotted down a quick note before leaving and headed back to my room.

After one last round of text to everyone, making sure everything was ready for the next day, I took a shower and climbed into bed.

I practically jumped out of bed the next morning from pure excitement. I was finally going to marry Mia. After everything we had gone through and everything that had happened, it was finally all going to be worth it when she became my wife. I wanted to get an early start to make sure that there was nothing wrong with the ceremony location or any of the vendors. I wanted the day to be perfect for Mia.

I called Rocco to let him know that I was almost ready to leave. I was sure that he would be relieved to go get some sleep.

"Hey boss. Everything okay?”

“Everything's good. I just wanted to let you know that I'm about ready to head to the ceremony site. Then you'll be able to go to your room and get some sleep."

"Sounds good. I will go pull your car around, then I'll be ready to crash.”

“Just make sure you're out of my car before you crash,” I teased, and Rocco let out a warm laugh.

“You got it boss. I don't plan on crashing until I am in my bed.”

“I want to thank you for last night. If you and Tomas had not been able to apprehend that guy, Mia and I would not have rested nearly as easily. You did good work, and I won't forget it.”

“Thanks, boss. I’d do anything for the family.”

“You're a good man, Rocco. I'll see you soon.”
