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Part of me wondered if we should have had the wedding at the compound where the security was highest.

Part way through my makeover, Teo texted me the new location for the ceremony and I’d plugged it into the GPS. He assured me that it was just as beautiful as our original location but by that point I didn’t care. I just wanted to be married to him. I hadn’t even told him about getting sick for fear that he would decide to postpone even though he’d been just as determined as I was.

We were about a half an hour away from the new spot at the gorge when police lights flashed in the rearview mirror.

“What the hell?” Mira checked the speed on the dash. “I wasn’t speeding.” She slowed the car and pulled off to the side with the police car pulling up right behind us.

I glanced back, watching as the police officer got out of his car and came to Mira’s window.

“License and registration.”

“Of course, officer. Can I ask why I’m being stopped?”

“Suspicious driving patterns.” He kept his tone even with no afflictions, but I didn’t like the way he never looked directly at Mira.

“What exactly does that mean?” I asked. “She wasn’t speeding, she hasn’t even changed lanes in the last five miles. I can’t imagine what would be suspicious about her flawless driving.”

“Only someone with something to hide drives perfectly so that they don’t get pulled over.”

“Well, now that’s a stretch.” I couldn’t help the incredulousness of my tone as Mira handed him her paperwork on the rental car.

“Not a local, I take it, Ms. Venturi?”

“No. I’m an Italian citizen as you can see from my identification.”

“Yes. An international driver’s license. You travel a lot?”

“Enough that I’ve found the license helpful.”

“And what do you travel for?”

“For school, for the fun of it, for visiting family...What does this line of questioning have to do with anything?”

“Do you have any drugs on you or in your vehicle?”

“Drugs? Of course not.”

“I’m going to need you ladies to step out of the vehicle if you don’t mind.”

“Actually, we do mind. We are on the way to my friend’s wedding, and we are already running late.”

“Get out of the car,Madame.”

Mira let out a frustrated huff but gave us a nod and we all climbed out of the car.

“I need you four to all place your hands on the hood of the car for me.”

“I really don’t like how you are treating us,” Vittoria finally spoke up. “We haven’t done anything to make you believe that any of this is necessary.”

“Four international women in a rental car, driving suspiciously...”

“We weren’t driving suspiciously,” I snapped but Mira cast me a warning glance.

“I’m going to need to search this vehicle to make sure that you aren’t smuggling drugs or other illegal paraphernalia.”

“You do not have permission to search my vehicle.”

“Why?” The officer got right up in Mira’s face. “Because you’ve got something to hide?”
