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“No. Because we haven’t done anything wrong, and this is harassment. You don’t have probable cause to search the vehicle.”

“I have probable cause because you refused to allow me to search. That leads me to suspect that you have something to hide.”

“Or because it is her right to do so,” I snapped, momentarily removing my hands from the car without thinking.

The policeman drew his gun from his side, causing all of us to shriek.

“I said put your hands on the car,pute. Now,” he yelled while pointing his gun in my direction.

“Okay, okay,” I was terrified of the gun pointed at me and quickly put my hands back on the car.

“You tourists have no respect for our laws. I’m taking all four of you in.”

“What? No,” I cried out. “It’s my wedding day. Please?”

“You should have thought about that before you decided to cause trouble during this routine stop.”

“Routine? You have been all over us since you pulled us over.” Vittoria was angry but was careful never to take her hands from the car. We learned that the hard way.

The officer roughly grabbed Mira’s wrists and tugged them behind her back, making her wince.

“You don’t have to be so rough. She’s not resisting,” I warned.

“You, shut your mouth.” He roughly tightened the zip ties around her wrists and stepped toward me.

I braced myself as he tugged my arms back behind my back, but the discomfort was nothing compared to the pain I’d endured at the hands of Andrea less than a week before. Just as he moved to cuff Courtney, another police car pulled up and an older officer climbed out.

“Looks like you’ve got your hands full here, Barre.”

“Just apprehending these troublemakers,” Officer Barre stated proudly to the approaching man.

“We weren’t causing any trouble. He has no grounds to arrest us,” Mira called out to the man, and he looked intrigued.

“What are the charges?”

“Refusing a search, resisting arrest...”

“No one is resisting,” I called out.

“What was the reason for the stop?” the older officer asked while eying Officer Barre suspiciously.

“Suspicious driving patterns.”

“What kind of suspicious patterns?”

“She was overly careful, following all the rules perfectly.”

“So, you’re arresting her for beingtoogood of a driver?”

“Only someone with something to hide is that careful.”

“We were just on the way to a wedding. She’s getting married today.” Courtney motioned toward me with her head, careful to remain touching the car.

“Barre, are you really going to arrest this woman and her friends...on her wedding day?”

“That’s their story but I haven’t seen any proof.”

“My wedding dress is in the trunk. Go ahead and look.”
