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“Well, I hope you enjoy your trip to Paris and that the rest of the trip is less eventful than your arrival.”

“Thank you.”

While the doctor worked on getting our discharge papers ready, I took the time to order us a rental car for the duration of our trip. I didn't have a regular car service in France. And after everything that had happened, I craved the control of driving myself and Mia wherever we needed to go.

Fifteen minutes later the nurse came back in with a stapled stack of papers and a couple of forms for us to sign.

We flipped through the packet as the nurse went over the release instructions. I got a confirmation text that our rental car was waiting out front for us, so we finished our paperwork and headed outside.

I helped Mia into her seat and rounded to the driver’s side. “I need to make a quick call on our way to the hotel, then we can focus completely on us. I promise.”

“Okay, but is everything alright?”

“You’re safe, our baby is safe, nothing else matters.”

“Don’t’re safe. That matters too.”

I nodded instead of arguing the fact that I didn’t matter nearly as much as they did, but I knew that Mia would just argue the point. I suppose to each of us, the other was the most important thing in the world. Except for that all changed, at least a little bit, the moment that Mia became pregnant.

I punched in a few numbers and docked my phone in the holder. Within two rings, Calabro, our pilot, answered. “Buon pomeriggio, Signore Venturi.Is everything alright?”

“Sì. Were you hurt in the landing?”

“No,Signore. The paramedics checked me out on the scene and cleared me to go have the plane looked at. How are you andSignoraVenturi?”

“We’re fine. What can you tell me about the plane?”

“There’s the expected damage to the underbelly but nothing too substantial that it can’t be fixed. Insurance should cover all the damages.”

“What about the reasonwhythe landing gear didn’t deploy in the first place?”

“Oh, that I’m not sure of. There was nothing to indicate a problem before we took off. I reviewed the pre-flight report before we left.”

“But you didn’t do the inspection yourself?” I nearly growled the words as my hands tightened on the steering wheel.

“No,Signore. I had one of my men do it. All approved by your father, of course.”

“I want the name of the technician who did the pre-flight check and I want you to do a personal inspection yourself to see if there was any sign of sabotage.”

“You don’t think it was a mistake? You think this was done on purpose?”

“I don’t know but after everything that has happened lately, I wouldn’t dismiss the possibility without a thorough investigation.”

“Of course,Signore.”

“And I want the results of your investigation first thing in the morning, earlier if you find something before then. It doesn’t matter the time.”

“Sì, Signore.”I ended the call and glanced over at Mia who sat looking at me with her brow raised.

“You think this was done on purpose? That someone tried to cause a crash?”

“I don’t know. But we need to be sure. Until those fucking Corsicans and Romanos are taken care of, I won’t ever trust that we’ll be safe.”

“Hopefully that will be soon. Have you heard anything from Alessandro or Luca yet?”

“Nothing definitive but they are safe and working on finding the men responsible for so much of your pain and suffering. I promise you, I will make this world safe for you and for our child.”

I took Mia’s hand and lifted it to my lips while glancing at her. She didn’t look convinced of what I was saying. She looked worried and I couldn’t blame her. I’d promised to keep her safe for months and failed to do so at every turn.
