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The ambulance pulled up at the hospital and Mia and I were able to climb out on our own. We were led through the ambulance bay to a room filled with exam tables and thin curtains that wrapped around them for privacy.

“Here you are, madam. You'll be in bay seven and monsieur, we will put you in bay eight,” the nurse said as he motioned toward the two cubicles.

“No. Absolutely not. We're not separating.”

“The doctors must have their own space to examine each of you, monsieur. It will only be for a few minutes.”

“Let me make myself crystal clear. I will not, under any circumstances, be taking my eyes off of her.”

“How about we make a compromise?” One of the nurses came up from behind me and I turned to face her, all while still keeping Mia in my peripheral vision. The nurse flushed slightly and took a step back as I faced her. “I was just going to say,” her voice was lower with my attention on her. “What if we open the curtain between the two rooms? That way it's pretty much like being in the same room but the doctors are able to have the space they need to examine you both.”

“Yes. See, was that so hard?” I asked the first nurse and he seemed to visibly shrink back.

I didn't wait for them and pulled the curtain back myself as I stepped into the room. We were in a foreign country where our last name didn't hold as much weight as it did in other places. The people who did know who we were, were not all friendly. The Paris underworld was a place of tension for members of the Italian mafia. Though, I did have some associates in the area.

I struggled to keep my eyes on Mia as the doctor got in my way checking my pupils and reflexes. Once my exam was done, I rushed over to see how Mia was doing.

“How is she, Doc?”

“She appears in good health,” the doctor said thoughtfully. “We're about to do an ultrasound to check on the little one.”

I helped Mia lay back on the exam table and watched curiously as the doctor squeezed clear gel on her belly and began rubbing a small handheld device over her stomach. At first, there was just a strange, muffled sound but finally it cleared as the familiar rhythm of a heartbeat came through the machine.

“Strong heartbeat,” the doctor confirmed.

“That's the baby's heartbeat?”

“It is.”

I squeezed Mia's hand gently as I listened in awe.

“And if you look at the screen right there, that is your baby.” The doctor pointed to a small bean shaped spot on the screen and I took a step closer to get a better look.

“That little thing?”

“Yes. But he or she will grow quickly. Actually, let me see..." The doctor started messing with the machine before talking again. "Three-point-four centimeters. Based on these measurements, it seems you're about ten weeks along."

"Ten week—” A flash of anger nearly blinded me as the sudden realization hit. “So you were pregnant when that bastard took you—" Mia squeezed my hand, glancing from me to the doctor and back, signaling for me not to say too much in front of regular civilians.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm my surging rage toward the man I had already killed. He had kidnapped not only my fiancée but unknowingly, my unborn child as well. I wished that I could bring him back to life just to be able to kill him again.

Mia gently squeezed my hand, grounding me, and I let out a breath.

The doctor cleared his throat. "Everything looks really good here. Mom and baby are both healthy."

“You're sure?”

“Yes. As sure as I can be right now.”

“Right now? What do you mean as sure as you can be right now? What kind of doctor are you if you don't know for certain?”

“What I mean is, everything looks perfect right now, but you need to come back if there are any changes: spotting, pain, or just anything that makes you feel uncomfortable.” The doctor made sure to look at Mia and not me. He was probably getting the idea that, if it were up to me, I'd have Mia in a private room, monitored twenty-four-seven, and with me constantly by her side.

“We will. Thank you, Doctor,” Mia said before I had a chance to respond.

“Give me a few minutes and I will get your discharge papers ready along with the contact number that you can call in case you have any issues while you're here in Paris. I hear that you arrived with quite the dramatic flair on a private jet today.”

“We did,” I said, giving a little away.
