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“Who sent you? Tell me who sent you,” Teo roared at the man who winced at the barrel of the gun pressing into his temple.

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

“Tell me who sent you.” Teo wrenched the man’s arm back further and he hissed through his teeth.

“Nobody sent me.”

“Bullshit. You’re with the Corsicans.”

“Yeah, so?”

Teo started to pull back on the man’s arm again but paused. “You feel that pain? That pull? All I need is one swift motion and it's torn from the socket so you better start giving me answers.”

“Okay, I’ll tell you anything you want to know, just please, please let go.”

“After you start talking.”

“Man, the Corsicans willkillme for talking,” he whined.

“And if you don’t start, I’m going to make youwishyou were dead.”

Teo pulled up slightly on the arm and the guy cried out. I winced just imagining the pain, and looked around, hoping that no one heard. They’d never believe that Teo and I had been the victims.

“Okay! I’m just a new recruit. I’ve only been with them for a few months. I’m still earning my place, so I get money by robbing tourists.”

“Then how did you just happen to pick us?”

“I don’t even know who you are. I just saw the two of you, distracted by each other, wearing your fancy clothes. I figured it would be an easy score.”

“You were wrong about that.”

“Yeah, I see that.”

“So that’s it? You just so happened to pick us off the streets?”

“Yeah, I don’t know you from Adam, I swear.”

“Alright. Okay...” Teo relaxed the pressure on the man’s arm and he winced. Teo kept him pinned to the wall, even as he bent down to retrieve the man’s knife. “I am going to hold on to this, though. To make sure you don’t turn around and use it on me.”

“Oh, I’d never try that again. I learned my lesson, honestly, I have. But you can keep the knife. It’s yours.”

“Good,” Teo said decisively.

Without releasing the man, Teo reached around and dragged the knife’s blade deep across his throat. I threw a hand over my mouth to fight back a scream of both surprise and horror. The man’s cries came out as nothing more than a gargle as blood splattered the brick wall. Teo released him, and his body crumpled to the ground.

My knees went weak, and I had to lean against the opposite wall to hold myself up. Teo ran over to me and wrapped an arm around my waist.

“Are you okay?”

“I think I’m going to be sick.”

“Not here. We can’t leave any evidence of us behind. Look away, try to breathe, if you have to throw up, go to the main street, right around the corner, there were some planters there. I just need a minute.

I nodded, unable to speak without risking throwing up. I turned my back on the gruesome scene and reached into my purse that still hung, nearly forgotten on my arm, and dug out a peppermint to help settle my stomach.

Teo wiped his fingerprints off of the knife using the man’s shirt and dropped it beside him before returning to me.

“Okay, let’s get out of here.” Teo wrapped one arm around me for support and I caught a glimpse of the red, staining his other hand.
