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With the exceptionof a few bumps in the road, Mia and I had really enjoyed Paris. I'd been a fool to agree to take her to France knowing the stronghold that the Corsicans maintained there but when Mia had told me she'd always wanted to go but had never had the chance, I knew that I had to do that for her.

I couldn't imagine one thing on God's green earth that I would deny that woman. I just had to hope that she didn't realize just how wrapped around her finger I'd become.

With the jet still under repair, we took a commercial plane home, figuring that would be safer than chartering a private jet that the Corsicans might try to sabotage. They wouldn't dare attempt something like that on a commercial flight for fear of shining too big of a spotlight on their organization.

Fausto insisted on being the one to pick us up from the airport. Mia was happy to see him since he hadn’t been around as much since he started helping run our joint family security. Mia and I both trusted him, and his military experience plus two decades serving as security for the Monticelli's made him the perfect man for the job.

We pulled onto the road that led to the compound when Fausto slowed down.

"There's something you two should know."

I tensed, not liking the tone of his voice, and Mia sat up straighter. "What is it?"

"There was an incident while you were away."

"What kind of incident?"

"A bombing—it never made it to the house. The guards’ house took the brunt of the blast, but we lost two men."


Fausto glanced in the rearview mirror. "I wanted to tell you right away. I didn't like keeping it from you but Don Venturi said he didn't want to ruin your honeymoon over something you couldn't do anything about. He said you'd be don when you got back but until then, he'd handle it."

"How did the bomb get on the property?" I asked angrily though it wasn't directed at Fausto but at the ones responsible.

"It came in as a wedding gift. Security missed it. That's my fault and I take full responsibility."

"No. It was an accident. If you missed it then I have no doubt that everything was done to try to prevent it from happening."

"Thank you,Signore."

We pulled onto the winding drive that led to the gate. Construction equipment surrounded three sides of the rubble that once was the guard house and the reality of how much we could have lost hit me hard. "Fuck.They weren't messing around."

"No,Signore. We found two others in the process of sorting through gifts. All different types of explosives with different triggers. I guess they wanted to ensure one of them made it through."

"I will be so glad when Alessandro and Luca finally take down Graziani once and for all. I just hate that I won't be the one to put a bullet in his head."

Mia squeezed my hand and I looked at her, my expression softening.

Fausto pulled up to the front of the house and put the car in park before rounding the car to open it for Mia.

Two other men hurried out of the house to get our bags while Mia and I headed inside.

We were greeted by an extremely excited Lucia and Bianca who stood in the foyer, waiting for us to arrive.

"Benvenuto a casa," Bianca called out excitedly as she kissed both of my cheeks, then Mia's, and Lucia did the same.

"Your father is in the parlor waiting for you."
