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"Excellent. Thank you." Mia and I walked to the parlor to find my father.

"Ah, if it isn't our future don returning from his honeymoon." He grinned and sat his drink on the table before standing to greet us.

Another man close to the same age and build who had been sitting with him stood as well.

"I would like to introduce both of you both to Don Costa." My father motioned toward the distinguished looking man beside him.

The name sounded familiar but I couldn't quite place it.

"A pleasure." I held out my hand and he shook it firmly.

"Likewise. And congratulations on your recent nuptials. I heard it was no easy feat, making it down the aisle."

"It was a bit challenging," Mia added.

"Those damned Corsicans have got some nerve. The Romanos, too. Despicable, the kind of tactics they stooped to." I studied Costa, wondering where I knew the name from and why he was in my home but I wouldn't dare ask him and insult him. Not with him being my father's guest.

"Well, we don't want to interrupt. I just wanted to let you know that we are home."

"Please, have a drink with us? We were just discussing the potential for joining our families."

Costa's words slammed into me like a brick, and I struggled to remain stoic and keep my tone even. "Join families?"

I looked from Costa to my father for clarification and he nodded. "As my last act as don before I pass that title over to you tomorrow, Costa and I have arranged a very advantageous marriage."

"I do believe that your daughter will enjoy Sicily."

"Mira?" I asked in shock and looked between the two men. "Papa, can I speak with you for a moment?"

"Don't be rude, my son. Pour yourself a drink and sit for a while."

"I thought that Mira was going to be the family lawyer." I tried to appear unfazed so to hide my worry, I walked to the bar and poured myself a glass of bourbon and Mia a glass of club soda.

"She is but she's also going to be the donna of the Costa family."

"Mira will never agree to this," Mia whispered to me the same sentiment I was already thinking.

"Can I please speak with you alone for a moment?" I couldn't hide the desperation in my voice as I practically begged for a private audience with my father.

"I already understand that your sister is a modern woman, strong willed, and independent. But I do believe that she will be happy with my son. And Stefano will certainly be happy with such an impressive wife."

"Pardon my frankness. It’s nothing personal. Your son could be a crowned prince and Mira would still not be okay with being in an arranged marriage."

"I believe you misunderstand our intent. We aren't going to force the two together. We are just going to encourage the relationship and in the event that they hit it off, we will have a good base for a prenuptial agreement."

"I see." I was still hesitant to put much faith in the arrangement working out.

Costa's phone chimed and he pulled it from his pocket just long enough to glance at it before slipping back.

"I'm afraid I should be getting back home but it was good speaking with you, Piero, and a pleasure to meet the two of you."

"Likewise." I forced a smile and waited for him to leave before letting my indifferent mask fall as I turned to look at my father who was calmly sipping his scotch. "You know that Mira will never go for this."

"I'm only asking her to give him a chance. Just a few dates. From there, we will see how it goes."

I shook my head, trying to calm my anger, knowing how Mira would feel about the whole thing. She loved my father and would want to do anything to make him happy. But she was a strong woman and I couldn't see her agreeing to any of it.

"Come, it's just about time for dinner. I want to hear all about your trip."
