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"Come on. Let's go." I grabbed her by the back of the neck and forced her in front of me where I could still keep a good grip on her as I led her to the door.

When we got out onto the tarmac, there were several SUVs to transport the men and a black sedan with a driver waiting. I didn't bother releasing my grip on her even as people stood watching us. Everyone there knew enough about our business to know that they weren’t to ask questions. It would have been worse if she ran in front of them. That would have shown a lack of respect, and I wouldn't be able to let something like that stand.

"Signore Zanelli,Don Venturisent me to escort you and your guest to the compound."

"Of course. Thank you."

I led Sienna to the waiting car.

As soon as we arrived at the compound, Sienna and I were taken to separate guest rooms so that we could rest and clean up before dinner, though, I didn’t get much rest pacing back and forth, trying to think of something that I could say to spare Sienna.

I was anxious to get to dinner with Teo and Mia. They were extremely fair and honorable, and I was proud to call them my don and donna, but if they even suspected that Sienna posed a threat to the family, after everything they'd done to get where they were, there was no doubt in my mind that they would put a bullet in her head.

Actually, I would be expected to pull the trigger because when all was said and done, this potential breach happened because of decisions I'd made.

I straightened my jacket and adjusted the collar of my shirt before leaving the guest room and heading downstairs to the dining room.

Teo was just pulling out Mia's chair for her when I arrived.

"Ciao," I greeted them, and they both looked up to offer me a smile.

"Good evening, Alessandro," Mia greeted us in her usual warm tone.

"Please have a seat, my friend." Teo gestured toward the empty chair at the corner to his right, opposite Mia, and I took a seat.

"Where's everyone else?"

"My father flew out to Las Vegas with Nic and Mira to finally see the hotel and casino."

"Wow. I don't think I've heard of him traveling outside of Italy in quite some time."

"Now that he's no longer don, he has a bit more free time and I believe it's already driving him crazy." Teo chuckled.

Two housekeepers entered with bottles of wine and began filling glasses.

"Where's Sienna?"

"She's using my old room to get ready. I loaned her some clothes since she didn't have a chance to pack anything. I'm sure she'll be down soon." I noted the lift in Mia's brow at the mention of her not being able to pack and could hear in her voice that she didn't approve of how I'd done things.

“Speaking of Sienna...” Teo rotated in his chair to better face me. “We need to talk about the way things were handled with her situation.”

“I know that I’ve complicated things by bringing in a civilian, but I did what I thought was best given the circumstances. If I hadn’t—”

“We probably would have lost Luca. I know. And that’s not the part I’m talking about. You did what you had to do to save not only a loyal family man, but also one of our best friends and I commend you for that.”

My brow drew together. “I’m afraid I don’t understand, then.”

“You forced her to come back with you.”

“Yes. I screwed up. I tried not to let her know anything about us, but she was looking after Luca, and she overheard sensitive information. I knew that I couldn’t just let her go back to her life after that.”

“Usually when there’s a threat like that, there are two choices. Either we recruit them, or we eliminate the problem.”

“She’s a good surgeon. She saved Luca’s life. She could be a good asset.”

“I agree.”

My shoulders slouched with relief. “So, you’ll bring her into the family?”
