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“He said he will call me back with the info. Until then, I could use a cup of coffee, how about you?”

“What are you going to do if you find him?”

“WhenI find him, I will make sure that he never hurts another woman again.

Chapter 15


I'd barely gotten Sienna back to her apartment when a text notification chimed on my phone.

“I'm just going to go shower and get changed for bed,” Sienna said as if unsure whether she should be asking my permission. Being in her own home I assume that it was difficult for her to know how to act with me there. When she was out of the room, I pulled my phone from my pocket and checked the message from Marco.

Carlo Carbone.

It was the name of Sienna’s ex, followed by his home and work address, telephone number, and known associates.

I gave a nod to myself as I responded to the text. "Perfect. Thank you."

Mr. Carbone owned a local pharmacy not far from Sienna’s house. And after a quick internet search, I learned that the store was open late, which meant I had time to let Sienna fall asleep before slipping out to pay the local pharmacist a visit.

It was dangerous of me to leave Sienna in her apartment alone, unsupervised. If she had gotten out of bed in the middle of the night she could have run. She could have gone to the police or just taken off so that I couldn't find her. But that would be hard to do with a father at a nursing facility and even harder still with us having the ability to track her finances. Still, it wasn't an ideal situation, but I preferred to let her sleep, blissfully unaware of my plans. I made it out to the car and put the address for Carbone's pharmacy into the GPS.

It would have been safer to go to his home, but I didn't want to risk missing him. I went to his work and sat in my car as I watched him through the glass window front as he closed up for the night. I waited patiently as he locked the door. I crept from my car, staying in the shadows as he started around the side of the building toward the back parking.

I followed him until I was sure that he was alone in the empty parking lot and as he reached into his pocket for his keys, I made my move.

I grabbed him by the shoulder, whirled him around so that his back was against the car and pressed my forearm across his neck, effectively pinning him while also restricting his airway.

He flailed around, not knowing what was happening until his eyes met mine, staring up at me in terror.

"Please, please. Take whatever you want. My wallet’s in my pocket. I don't have a lot of cash but whatever I have is yours."

I pulled my gun from my waistband and pressed it hard against his temple. "Chiudi la bocca!"

He immediately went silent.

I leaned in close so that I was right in his face, my expression contorted angrily as I sneered at him. "If you ever put your hands on a woman again, it will be the last time you have the ability to do so."

"What the hell are you talking about? Who said I—"

"Quiet," I snapped. "Listen carefully. There's no denying what I already know. But here's whatyouneed to know. If you so much as look at a woman you've put your hands on, or if you ever do it again with someone else, I will find out and I will make sure that it's the last time. Do you understand me?"

"Yeah. Yes. I understand."


I removed my gun from his head, slipping it back into my waistband, and he visibly sagged with relief.

I waited until he dropped his guard before slamming my fist into his midsection.

He let out a pained grunt as all the air rushed from his lungs and he doubled over. I let the momentum pull him forward, offering a shove so that he tumbled onto the concrete.

I gave one swift kick to his midsection, and he curled up on his side. Images of Sienna ran through my mind the way her father had described, bruised, a broken arm, and dislocated shoulder. All thanks to the asshole laying on the ground in front of me.

I crouched over him, reared my hand back, and slammed my fist into his face over and over again. I usually didn't get so close and personal with my assaults, but my anger had me seeing red. It was everything I could do not to keep going until there was no chance of him ever hurting anyone again but somehow I managed to stop myself before he lost consciousness.

I stood, sneering at the despicable man before me.
