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I couldn't do it. I couldn't even think about doing that to her. I had to separate her from the job I had to do and even then I failed.

Teo was mad but I think deep down he understood. We'd be okay eventually, but I doubted that things would ever be okay with Sienna. Any chance I had of our feelings developing into something more was long gone.Was it worth it just to save her life?Yes. One hundred percent, yes.

"Alessandro?" Enzo waved his hand in front of my face, sounding slightly annoyed. "Have you heard one word I've said?"

I blinked and shook my head. "Sorry. Guess I'm a little distracted."

He scoffed. "A little? What's going on?"

"It's Sienna."

"Oh yeah. Luca filled me in on some of that. He said you asked him to keep an eye on her while you got some work done. Sounds like you've gotten yourself into a mess."

"You can say that again. Any advice?"

Enzo held up his hands defensively. "You're asking the wrong guy. I don't do relationships anymore. I like my encounters to be simple, straightforward, and only a few hours long."

"And on your dime, if I remember correctly," I teased.

He chuckled. "Hey, you get what you pay for."


"So do you have any idea how you're going to fix this?"

"I'm not sure thereisany way to fix it.” I let out a sigh, realizing that I probably wasn't going to get any actual work done.

“Well, you can't keep going the way you are. It's obviously eating you up inside and keeping you from getting any work done. So, you need to figure out some way to live with the situation or fix it.”

“How can I even consider living with the situation where I'm holding a girl against her will? I thought I was doing this for her. To save her life and spare her. I told myself that life, any life is better than death but if she's completely miserable and fighting me on this for the rest of her life, how is that better?”

“Are you saying you wish you had gone through with it? Been done with her?”

“No,” I said with more force than I’d meant to. “But I don't think I was doing it for her. I was doing it for me.”

“You care about her.”

“I do. I keep telling myself that it's ridiculous, that I kidnapped her so that she could help Luca. She helped Luca and that should be the end of it but it's not. There's something about her that I can't quite explain. I'm drawn to her unlike anyone I've ever been around before. If things had happened differently, if we had met under different circumstances…”

“She would still be against the mafia,” Enzo interrupted. “You said it yourself, she had a bad introduction into mob life, and Gino didn't help things at the gala.”

“I just wish that I could show her that our family is so much more than those crimes and I don't know…”

“You two should come out to the club sometime. We can play cards. I can take some of your money, and just be around friends. Maybe the problem before was that you were in a time crunch to try to make her like the mafia instead of letting it grow on her naturally. So maybe just start showing her the things you enjoy. Bring her along and maybe she'll start enjoying those things too.”

“I guess it's worth a shot.”

After my talk with Enzo, I felt a little better with some form of a plan in mind. I was able to focus my energy on getting work done and by the end of the workday, I had actually gotten something accomplished.

I left my office and headed for my car. The moment I got inside, I docked my phone and called Luca.

"Hey Alex, you calling to check in?"

I might have called him a time or two during the day to make sure that everything was under control with Sienna. Just calling to let you know that I'm on my way to the house. Mind handing the phone over to Sienna?”

“Sure thing. We're just sitting here watching TV.”

I heard some chatter in the background before a wrestling sound and Sienna’s voice came through the line. “Hello?”
