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She sounded annoyed. “I'm on my way home and we are going out tonight. Dress up. Cocktail attire. I wanted to give you a heads up, so you’d have time to get ready. We will have dinner first then we leave at eight o’clock."

"Fine. Care to tell me where we're going? Or is that not allowed?” The edge in her voice irritated me.

“What's not allowed is that tone of voice. Lose the attitude or you're going to pay for it,” I said in a stern tone. We're meeting the guys at the card club tonight. Now go get ready."

I helped Sienna out of the car, placing my hand firmly on the small of her back to guide her into Enzo's club. We’d been there once before for the Halloween party, but that night would be the first time she would see the club as what it really was. The atmosphere there was unique. It had the feel of the old-fashioned underground gambling establishments. It was rich in subtle elegance. Dim lights and warm wood tones. It was one of my favorite places. The club wasn't trying too hard, it wasn't new money, it was classic. It was a good place to go and talk with friends over a game of cards while drinking expensive scotch or bourbon. I hoped that Sienna would appreciate my home away from home as much as I did.

I led her through the door, and we were met by a pretty, well-dressed hostess who greeted me with an air of familiarity from my many evenings there.

"Signore Zanelli, it's a pleasure to see you here this evening. Shall I escort you and your guest to your usual table?"

I smiled at the hostess and gave a nod. “Yes please, Isabel. It's nice to see you again. Is Enzo here already?”

He's in the back handling a little business, but he assures me that he will be out shortly. As soon as he is finished, I will make sure to let him know that you are here.”

“Thank you.”

“Oh, and Signore Luca arrived just before you.”


She led us through the separate game tables that were sprinkled throughout the room to one near the very back. I kept my hand on Sienna's back the entire time.

When we came to the table I could feel Sienna relax under my hand when she spotted Luca, and I couldn't help the flash of jealousy that rose inside me when she grinned brightly at him the way I wished that she would look at me.

"Ciao, Luca. Long time, no see," she smirked playfully.

"Oh, yes. It's been far too long, bella." Luca stood and kissed her hand.

He was a flirt and while I knew it was harmless fun on his part, it irritated me that he was flirting with Sienna. She was mine. She belonged to me. I shook my head at the thought.

I wasn't the type toclaimsomeone, but she was mine. In the mafia world she was mine and people needed to know that. It was the only way to keep her safe.

I pulled a chair out for her and waited for her to sit before taking the seat on the left. I dropped my arm over her shoulder possessively and she shrugged it off, giving me a disgusted scowl. Anger flashed in me.

I wrapped my arm around her again more intentionally, pulling her close and growling in her ear. "Behave. You are mine. Now start acting like it."

She forced a smile as her eyes told me to go to hell. She spoke between clenched teeth but only loud enough for me to hear.

“I will never be yours. Not like this. The man I thought you were might have had a chance but this man that you're showing me now?” She scoffed in disgust. “The man you're showing me now would never have a chance with me.”

She shook my arm off her shoulder again, so I took her hand instead, gripping it tight enough that it would be uncomfortable but not enough to cause any real pain. I had to teach her that she had to listen to me.

"Excuse us for just a moment," I told the men at the table and practically dragged Sienna to the back room of the club so that I could speak to her privately.

I whirled around on her the moment we were alone. "What the hell is the matter with you?"

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? It's like you're a completely different person since I decided I wanted to go home."

"Things have changed and we both need to change with them. If you can't show me respect when we are out in public then you will no longer be allowed in public. I will keep you locked up at my house from now on."

"You can't do that."

"I can install a deadbolt on the bedroom door. Have one of my guys sit at the house to make sure there's not an emergency, and I'll allow you out of your room only when I'm home."

"You told me that if I stayed that I could work at the clinic."

"That was when I thought I could trust you. Until I can see that you can behave yourselfwithme I'm certainly not going to allow you out without me."
