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“He usually stays in an assisted living facility where they can keep a better eye on him than I could with my job.”

“That makes sense. It seems like you work hard to take care of your father. I'm sure he really appreciates that, but I know it can get lonely so, while we’re both in the area if you'd ever like to grab a drink or a coffee..."

"If there's time." I smiled, trying to be polite because the man was nice, if not a little forward, but I wasn't exactly ready to go on a date with someone I just met after everything I'd been through with Alessandro.

I had to admit that it wouldn't be bad to have a friend, at least for a little while, considering that I was going to be there for at least six weeks, and there was no telling how my father's condition would come and go on our trip away from everything that he knew.

After my father and I finished our drinks, the man stood, gathering the dishes cheerfully. "Well, I’ll let you get back to your walk. Here.” He sat the glasses back on the table to free one hand and reached into his pocket. “My card. Just in case you change your mind. My name’s Gabe, by the way."

Chapter 27


“What do you mean she’s gone? Where did she go?” Teo snapped.

“I couldn’t say.” I kept my tone calm and professional.

“Can’t or are you choosing not to?”

“I can’t say because I don’t know where she went.”

“Do you want to explain to me how you managed to let her, and her father slip away undetected?”

My heart sank into my stomach because that would be the moment that would change everything between Teo and me. I took a deep breath and straightened my back. I made a choice. It was time for me to own it and whatever consequences might come from it. “I let her go.”

Teo’s face grew eerily stoic, and he lowered his voice. “Against my orders?”


“Was I not clear when I said that she had two options, either she chose to stay and work for the family, or she had to be eliminated?” Teo struggled to hold his temper back.

“No, you made that very clear.”

“And yet you went against that direct order and let her go?”


“How do you defend your actions?”

“I don’t.”

“You don’t?” Teo looked surprised by that.

“No. I went against a direct order from you and I’m willing to face whatever consequences may come from that.”

“Even if it means being removed as my underboss?”

I gave a slow nod. “If that’s what you feel is best.”

“Frankly, I don’t know what is best because this is so unlike you. You are one of my very best friends. You have always been unwavering in your loyalty so to have you go so far off script has me questioning everything.”

“I understand and I’m sorry that what I did upset you, but I have to be honest when I say that I’m not sorry for letting her go.”

“You loved her?”


“But you let her go?”
