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The man grinned warmly and motioned for us to follow him up to his deck. “Please, come. Come.”

We sat on the porch while he hurried inside, coming out just a few minutes later with a large pitcher of the cherryvyssinathaand two new glasses. After pouring us a glass, and topping his off, he joined us at the table.

“It’s so nice to meet fellow Italians while on my trips. Like a little piece of home.” His energy was contagious, and I smiled.

“I've been trying to be more spontaneous lately but sometimes it’s hard when you’re flying solo.”

“What made you decide to start traveling on your own?”

“When my girlfriend dumped me, I put names of places I always wanted to go into a hat, drew one, and bought a plane ticket the next day."

"Wow. And you selected Greece?"

"No. Actually, I drew France. But I enjoyed the trip so much that the next time I was ready to take a vacation, I did the same thing andthattime I drew Greece." He winked at me, and I chuckled.

“That’s great. I wish that I had that kind of spontaneity, but I am a complete planner. I like to know everything ahead of time.”

“So, you knew exactly what you were getting when you rented. That’s smart. I reserved this house without even seeing a picture. It could have been a shack for all I knew but I got lucky.”

“You did. These houses are great. Nothing fancy but we like the idea of being right on the ocean and without all the frills, you get to really experience the natural beauty and peace.”

“The way you put that sounds amazing. Do you write advertisements for a living?”

“No,” I chuckled. “I'm actually a surgeon.”

“Really? An impressive career. Your...father? Must be very proud of you. I'm assuming that’s your father.” He gave a nod toward Papa who was busy taking in the ocean view instead of socializing.

“Yes, he is.”

“And you're taking him on a father-daughter trip? Your husband doesn't mind being left behind?”

“I don't have a husband.” I smiled politely and took a sip from my glass.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Your boyfriend then?”

“I don’t have one of those either.” I felt funny about how he was trying to find out my relationship status and I caught myself fidgeting.

“Forgive me for asking but why is a beautiful woman like you unattached?”

“I work a lot. I don't have much time for a social life.”

“I can understand. I used to be that way myself. But you have to take time to stop and smell the...ocean I guess.” He gave a playful chuckle and his eyes sparkled when he laughed.

Relationships were the last thing that I wanted to talk about, so I did my best to change the subject. “You said that you’ve been here a few days? I’m curious about the local restaurants. Have you found anywhere good to eat?”

“I’m sure I can suggest a few places.”

“Thank you.”

"No problem. Listen, I don't want to be too forward, but I feel like I was meant to talk to you on this trip. I know a great little restaurant just down the way. I would love to take you and your father out to dinner if that would be okay?”

“I don't know. My father...” I wasn't sure how much to say and I paused, trying to come up with the right words to explain. “He's not well.”

“Oh, I'm so sorry. Is this one of those end-of-life trips? I didn't mean to pry or intrude. I mentioned wanting to find a good restaurant and the fact that we are going to be neighbors for a little while, I just thought it might be nice.”

“It's not that. He has dementia so, right now he's good but sometimes he gets very confused, sometimes even agitated.”

“I see. And I understand completely. My mother went through the same thing, God rest her soul. It's hard. Are you his soul caregiver?”
