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“What is it, Juris?” asks Remar.

“Nothing,” I reply, gazing into my now empty pint.

“I’m getting the sense you disagree with that of which we speak of,” remarks Umak. “What’s the matter? Are you not happy for Hurian?”

“Of course I’m happy for him you fools,” I snap. “I just don’t share the same sentiment of lifelong mating.”

Remar and look first at each other, then behind me, then back at each other, laughing as if sharing a silent inside joke.

“Eh? What is it? Speak up now,” I demand.

A heavy hand lands on my shoulder. The orc it belongs to steps in at my side, joining the conversation and hanging me a fresh ale.

“Juris,” greets Jorgen. “Somehow I’m not surprised to hear you speak of tradition like that. Are you on the hunt for a woman tonight?”

“Come on, cousin, even I know when to behave myself.”

In the distance near the human residences are a group of women hanging around and laughing. Amongst them is one who seemingly notices me the same time I notice her. From here, I can smell the aroma of roses that comes from her skin, recalling how smooth and soft she felt in my grip and mouth. She smiles, turning away and whispering to her friends.

“After all,” I say, returning my focus to those around me. “It’s a mating ceremony, a time for celebration and happiness. Tonight, I’m here for my fellow orc.”

“To Hurian,” we roar aloud in unison before drinking.

“Juris, let me ask you something,” says Jorgen. “You saw how well everything went tonight for Hurian. Do you ever see yourself in his position?”

“What do you mean, cousin?”

“Being mated with a loved one, holding an extravagant ceremony such as this one?”

“Heh, of course not,” I scoff, much to his annoyance. “I’ll declare it now for all of you to hear, that I shall never mate with anyone, especially a human woman, seeing as they seem to be all the rage for us orcs nowadays.”

Everyone exchanges looks with each other, rolling their eyes as though disinterested in what I had to say, except for Jorgen who draws himself up before speaking.

“You’re ever so careless but there’s nothing new there. I suppose, at your age, you can afford to be as happy-go-lucky as you are but my dear cousin, it’s important you know that you can’t always wander through life so blissfully ignorant.”

“Don’t sound so certain of yourself, Jorgen. If anything, it’s just as wrong to assume you know what’s best for another orc in their young age as it is to go against tradition.”

Jorgen stays silent, only sharing with me another concerning look before we move onto other topics of conversation, becoming engrossed in hearty jokes and barrels of ale. A few drinks later, we’re all feeling the hunger, chowing down into some meat to accompany the alcohol.

“Having fun, Juris?” asks Remar, refilling my pint.

“Well of course,” I reply, as the same girl from earlier walks by, closer this time. She winks at me, gesturing toward the human residence area, igniting within me a different type of hunger.

“It would seem as though we’re running low on ale,” says Umak, peering into the barrel.

I smile, having found my perfect ticket to get out of here.

“I’ll go and pick up another barrel,” I announce, much to the satisfaction of the others who are starting to feel sleepy from the evening’s refreshments.

Swiftly, I head off to meet the woman for what is the fourth time this week. My breathing grows heavier at the thoughts of what I wish to do to her.

I enter the human residences, thankful that everyone seems to be out enjoying the festivities. I make my way toward the mysterious woman’s room, located in one of the huts near the rear.

As soon as I enter, the sweet aroma of her body hits me immediately. There she is, already undressed under the covers of her bed. Over her eyes, she wears a seductive look that magnetically pulls me towards her.

“You certainly got here quick Juris.”

“Well, with you Ariana, there’s reasons to be quick, and others to take my time with,” I groan, pulling back the covers to reveal her perfect body.
